I ahve a web based crystal application where i want to give a report which can be used to create a mail merge file and also create a file which can be used for xreating an excel file...this I have to use crystal as all the web users of the application canb create such files.
Are the fields you'll be using already in a company database? If so then using crystal would be easier then word because within MS word you would have to create your own datasource for storing people's name, address, zip, etc and then you create your letter.
Some people would insert a subreport for the mail merge. Kind of like if the mail merge is something like a packing letter that can include the products ordered with a total. Subreports can be tricky when your trying to link it. All depends on how the tables are setup.
Yes all the fileds are in the database and I am able to create a string wwhich I can then display on crystal.The problem is creating a string which I can use in mail merge with word and a string whcih when exported to excel can be opened as a work sheet and to have aparameter which whould enable he display of the two strings seperately.
I want to mimic the Mail Merge feature in word and in the same report create a set of data string which can be exported to excel.and toggle between the two dynamically using a parameter.EG a user selects a parameter export to word for mail mereg it creates a data set which can be used for mail merging and if the user slects a parameter export to excel it creates a data set whic can be imported in excel.
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