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How to count days in a month ?

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Jul 19, 2002
Hi experts,
I'm would like count days in a month I look at internal function of VFP but there is no function like it. Could anyone tell me about algorithm or API function which can do that ?
thank you very much !



Do you mean that, given a month and year number, you want to return the number of days in that month? If so, something like this might do it:

x = DATE(yr, mnth, 1)  && yr = year, mnth = month
y = GOMONTH(x,1)
answer = y - x

If that's not what you want, could you be more specific.


Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)

My sites:
Visual FoxPro (www.ml-consult.demon.co.uk)
Crystal Reports (www.ml-crystal.com)

Doing a search in the VFP forums you would this for example :

Function DaysInMonth
    Parameter mDate
    Private mDate,mDays,mDateFmt
    mDateFmt = Set("Date")
    set Date to British
    mDays = Day(Ctod("1/"+alltrim(str(Month(mDate+32),2,0))+"/"+alltrim(str(Year(mDate+32),4,0)))-1)
    Set Date to (mDateFmt)

Mike Gagnon

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ184-2483 first.
ReFox XI (www.mcrgsoftware.com)
Hi Viet,

foxpro offers all the basic date functions you need to calculate anything regarding dates, as both Mikes showed.

The question can be rephrased to "what is the last date of the month?". The number of days then simply is

As finding the last day is a more common problem, here are some more ways to find the last day:
And another one regarding a calculation based on a date as single parameter:
? LastDayOfMonth(Date())

Function LastDayOfMonth(tdDate)
   Local ldDate
   ldDate = tdDate+28
   Return ldDate-DAY(ldDate)

simply adding DAY() you get the days of a month with:

? MonthDays(Date())

Function MonthDays(tdDate)
   Local ldDate
   ldDate = tdDate+28
   Return DAY(ldDate-DAY(ldDate))

Bye, Olaf.
Hi again,

sorry, made a mistake: a date+28 must not be within the next month, so replace tdDate+28 with GoMonth(tdDate,1), that will always work correctly.

Bye, Olaf.
Thanks to all for solutions. I'm sorry when my question is not clear, as Mike showed I need to count number of days in current month.
Your help was highly appreciated.

Try this also,

*--- declaring variables

Local ldStart1,ldStart2,ldStart3,ldStart4,ldStart5,ldStart6,ldStart7,ldStart8,;

Local ldend1,ldend2,ldend3,ldend4,ldend5,ldend6,ldend7,ldend8,;

*-- calculating how many dates have months
LnDIM1 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/01/01")
LnDIM2 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/02/01")
LnDIM3 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/03/01")
LnDIM4 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/04/01")
LnDIM5 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/05/01")
LnDIM6 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/06/01")
LnDIM7 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/07/01")
LnDIM8 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/08/01")
LnDIM9 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/09/01")
LnDIM10 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/10/01")
LnDIM11 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/11/01")
LnDIM12 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/12/01")

? DaysInMonth(LnDIM1)
? DaysInMonth(LnDIM2)
? DaysInMonth(LnDIM3)
? DaysInMonth(LnDIM4)
? DaysInMonth(LnDIM5)
? DaysInMonth(LnDIM6)
? DaysInMonth(LnDIM7)
? DaysInMonth(LnDIM8)
? DaysInMonth(LnDIM9)
? DaysInMonth(LnDIM10)
? DaysInMonth(LnDIM11)
? DaysInMonth(LnDIM12)

*----- start date of each month
ldStart1 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/01/01")
ldStart2 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/02/01")
ldStart3 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/03/01")
ldStart4 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/04/01")
ldStart5 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/05/01")
ldStart6 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/06/01")
ldStart7 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/07/01")
ldStart8 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/08/01")
ldStart9 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/09/01")
ldStart10 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/10/01")
ldStart11 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/11/01")
ldStart12 = Ctod( "^" + Alltrim(Str(Year(Date()))) + "/12/01")

*--- end date of each month
ldEnd1 = ldStart1 + DaysInMonth(LnDIM1)-1
ldEnd2 = ldStart2 + DaysInMonth(LnDIM2)-1
ldEnd3 = ldStart3 + DaysInMonth(LnDIM3)-1
ldEnd4 = ldStart4 + DaysInMonth(LnDIM4)-1
ldEnd5 = ldStart5 + DaysInMonth(LnDIM5)-1
ldEnd6 = ldStart6 + DaysInMonth(LnDIM6)-1
ldEnd7 = ldStart7 + DaysInMonth(LnDIM7)-1
ldEnd8 = ldStart8 + DaysInMonth(LnDIM8)-1
ldEnd9 = ldStart9 + DaysInMonth(LnDIM9)-1
ldEnd10 =ldStart10 + DaysInMonth(LnDIM10)-1
ldEnd11 =ldStart11 + DaysInMonth(LnDIM11)-1
ldEnd12 =ldStart12 + DaysInMonth(LnDIM12)-1

? ldStart1
? ldStart2
? ldStart3
? ldStart4
? ldStart5
? ldStart6
? ldStart7
? ldStart8
? ldStart9
? ldStart10
? ldStart11
? ldStart12

? ldEnd1
? ldEnd2
? ldEnd3
? ldEnd4
? ldEnd5
? ldEnd6
? ldEnd7
? ldEnd8
? ldEnd9
? ldEnd10
? ldEnd11
? ldEnd12

Function DaysInMonth
Lparameters p_dDate && any valid day in month interested in

ldFirstOfMonth = Date(Year(p_dDate), Month(p_dDate), 1)
ldFirstOfNextMonth = Gomonth(ldFirstOfMonth, 1)
Return (ldFirstOfNextMonth - ldFirstOfMonth)


Here is a general way of finding number of days in month where YEAR and MONTH are known:

DaysInMonth = 30 + ABS(MONTH % 2 - INT(MONTH/8)) - IIF(MONTH = 2, 2, 0) + IIF(YEAR % 4 = 0, 1, 0) - IIF(YEAR % 400 = 0, 1, 0)

I just concocted this up in the last 20 minutes. I am sure that with some study that this can be consolidated even more.


"Political correctness is the BADGE of a COWARD!"

A quick and dirty...

? DaysInMonth(date())            && Current date
? DaysInMonth(date(2004,10,10))  && A specific date
? DaysInMonth(ctod("2/21/2000")) && Leap month

function DaysInMonth(dDate)
  local dMonthPlus1
  dMonthPlus1 = gomonth(date(year(dDate),month(dDate),1),1)
  return dMonthPlus1 - date(year(dDate),month(dDate),1)

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