I'm looking for some 3rd party tools to count how many mailboxes are located on an exchange server.
For example Exchange server A contains 100 mbx :
Storage group 1 & 2 each have 50 mbx
On Storage group 1 mailbox store 1 contains 23mbx en mailbox store contains 27 mbx...
Are there some tools that either show it graphically or even better exportable to .csv or .xls? We need it for balancing the mbx to several servers. I know you can cound them when you make a search in AD, but it is a large job on several servers/SG/mb stores.
I'm looking for some 3rd party tools to count how many mailboxes are located on an exchange server.
For example Exchange server A contains 100 mbx :
Storage group 1 & 2 each have 50 mbx
On Storage group 1 mailbox store 1 contains 23mbx en mailbox store contains 27 mbx...
Are there some tools that either show it graphically or even better exportable to .csv or .xls? We need it for balancing the mbx to several servers. I know you can cound them when you make a search in AD, but it is a large job on several servers/SG/mb stores.