Hi everyone,
I am not even sure how to explain what I need. I have 6 forms that are linked to a general form called frmDevices. Here is just a portion of the coding for the dependent userform (frmDevices) where each Case is for a different form:
Please note that the above code is just for Case 1.
I also have the following code that enters the data from the frmDevices userform into the spreadsheet:
And finally this is the code for the independent form for Case 1 called frmDPB:
The problem that I am having is that when I exit the independent form (frmDPB) by clicking on the X on the right top corner of the userform, the data from the frmDevices is getting entered and I don't want that to happen. How can I exit a userform and completly exit all subs that are dependent of that form?
Thanks for taking the time to read my question and helping me!!
I am not even sure how to explain what I need. I have 6 forms that are linked to a general form called frmDevices. Here is just a portion of the coding for the dependent userform (frmDevices) where each Case is for a different form:
Private Sub cmbDevice_Change()
Dim r As Range, r1 As Range, X As Variant
Dim Other As String
Set r = Worksheets("Devices").Range("B2").CurrentRegion
ioffset = ioffset + 1
Select Case cmbDevice.ListIndex
Case 1 'DPB
Set r1 = r.Offset(13, ioffset - 1)
'To enter the values of textbox
r1.Cells(1).Value = frmDPB.txtCoefFric1.Value
r1.Cells(2).Value = frmDPB.txtCoefFric2.Value
r1.Cells(3).Value = frmDPB.txtRCurvature1.Value
r1.Cells(4).Value = frmDPB.txtRCurvature2.Value
r1.Cells(5).Value = frmDPB.txtBearingD2.Value
r1.Cells(6).Value = frmDPB.txtSliderDd1.Value
r1.Cells(7).Value = frmDPB.txtSliderHeight.Value
r1.Cells(8).Value = frmDPB.txtDispCapa.Value
'To give color and borders to the input cells
For X = 1 To 8
r1.Cells(X).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 204)
r1.Cells(X).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
Next X
Please note that the above code is just for Case 1.
I also have the following code that enters the data from the frmDevices userform into the spreadsheet:
Public Sub EnterData()
Dim r As Range, r1 As Range
Dim X As Variant
If Me.txtDevCount = "" Then
Me.txtDevCount.Value = 0
ioffset = Me.txtDevCount.Value
ioffset = Me.txtDevCount.Value
End If
Set r = Worksheets("Devices").Range("B2").CurrentRegion
ioffset = ioffset + 1
Me.txtDevCount.Value = ioffset
Set r1 = r.Offset(5, ioffset)
r1.Cells(1).Value = txtLabel.Value
r1.Cells(2).Value = txtSerNum.Value
r1.Cells(3).Value = txtDevManuf.Value
r1.Cells(4).Value = txtDevSupplier.Value
r1.Cells(5).Value = txtConnType.Value
r1.Cells(6).Value = cmbDevCateg.Value
r1.Cells(7).Value = cmbDevice.Value
For X = 1 To 7
r1.Cells(X).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 204)
r1.Cells(X).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
Next X
End Sub
And finally this is the code for the independent form for Case 1 called frmDPB:
Private Sub cmdDPBOK_Click()
Dim wdR1 As Double, wdR2 As Double, wdH As Double
Dim wdD1 As Double, wdD2 As Double, wdU As Double
wdR1 = Me.txtRCurvature1
wdR2 = Me.txtRCurvature2
wdH = Me.txtSliderHeight
wdD2 = Me.txtBearingD2
wdD1 = Me.txtSliderDd1
wdU = ((wdR2 - wdH / 2) / wdR2 + (wdR1 - wdH / 2) / wdR1) * (wdD2 - wdD1) / 2
Me.txtDispCapa = wdU
frmDevices.cmbDevice.ListIndex = 0
End Sub
The problem that I am having is that when I exit the independent form (frmDPB) by clicking on the X on the right top corner of the userform, the data from the frmDevices is getting entered and I don't want that to happen. How can I exit a userform and completly exit all subs that are dependent of that form?
Thanks for taking the time to read my question and helping me!!