Your question is confusing. You talk about a checkbox, so that means user interface. So far so good, but why modify the checks if the user is editing it ?
Unless you mean modifying the choices made in a document that is saved, in that case you're just modifying a field value.
Or, you want to modify the values in a checkbox displayed on a browser.
So could you please specify ? Is the document open or not ? Is it via browser or Notes client ? Is the agent calling the checkbox or modifying a checkbox made by another process ?
What exactly do you want to accomplish? You want to select multiple documents and check the box in those documents with out opening each one? How do you know which documents to update? How is the agent suppose to know which documents to update?
Please provide some SPECIFICS about what you are doing, how you need to accomplish it and what you expect the end result to be.
There are 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary
those who don't!
Just create an agent the runs on selected documents in a view. Use the following line in the formula:
FIELD fieldname := "value"
With a checkbox the value is either "" or the value in the choice list in the properties of the field. If you put the word Update in the choice box and make the default value "" you would use the following:
FIELD fieldname := "Update"
This would change the value of the field from "" to "Update" for all the document you select in the view when the agent is run.
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