Hello eveyone! I would like to direct your attention to the following URL
The problem lies in the rollover appearance of the cursor on layers. If you rollover a catagory button on the left you will notice submenus appear. If you rollover the submenus, several of them hold additional submenus. Notice the cursor while it's over a hidden layer (subcatagories). It becomes a cursor instead of an arrow or hand. Is there a way to make this change? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks to everyone.
The problem lies in the rollover appearance of the cursor on layers. If you rollover a catagory button on the left you will notice submenus appear. If you rollover the submenus, several of them hold additional submenus. Notice the cursor while it's over a hidden layer (subcatagories). It becomes a cursor instead of an arrow or hand. Is there a way to make this change? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks to everyone.