We are running CM 6.1.2 and we have been experiencing a problem calling certain toll free numbers. I have been working with our service provider to fix the problem on there end but they assure me we will keep finding numbers that we cannot call unless we make a change to how we are sending are caller ID info. When we call certain 800 numbers we get a fast busy signal everytime. OneComm is telling me that we are not displaying our caller ID as a"NATIONAL #" but we are in fact displaying "SPARE". Is there a simple setting change I can make so I can do some testing?
We are running CM 6.1.2 and we have been experiencing a problem calling certain toll free numbers. I have been working with our service provider to fix the problem on there end but they assure me we will keep finding numbers that we cannot call unless we make a change to how we are sending are caller ID info. When we call certain 800 numbers we get a fast busy signal everytime. OneComm is telling me that we are not displaying our caller ID as a"NATIONAL #" but we are in fact displaying "SPARE". Is there a simple setting change I can make so I can do some testing?