not sure about 'blocking calls' however if you have a voicemail system installed it is possible to transfer a DID call to voicemail without answering it. If my memory serves me right you will need a cli display key and a transfer to voicemail key on the set. when a call is ringing press the cli key and then the transfer to vmail key and this should then be routed to voicemail.
If the facility you are referring to is what is sometimes called the ex girlfriend diversion (diversion on nominated CLI) then no It is not a facility as yet on NEC systems (at least to my knowledge).
On the NEc key systems I have not found a way, on the latest 2000 release you can reroute a call based upon the caller ID, and on the 2400 you can setup Call Block to block incoming calls.
For unwanted callers you can use CID CALL ROUTING for particular numbers or area codes. I have used this to re-direct a ladies ex-boyfriend to a trunk announcement telling him where to go jump.
You must have have an IVS2 with 2300 series software or higher (available on all IPS systems).
If you want to block calls with no caller ID (PRIVACY or OUT OF AREA calls) then on the 2000IPS you must have R11 (3600 Series) software.
The feature is called NO CID ROUTING.
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