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How to bind DataGrid Control to data brought with a SP.. 1

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Nov 7, 2000
I have some data that I bring from DB with a Store Procedure, and I want to put them in a OLE DataGrid control. I was trying to do it using a Ado data control but I think ADODC doesn't support sp with parameters. Now, I 'm trying to do it using an ADO command and a recordset, like this:

Set cm = CreateObject("Adodb.Command")
cm.CommandText = "SP_CONSALDS"
cm.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cm.ActiveConnection = prmcnConexion
cm(1) = param1
cm(2) = param2
Set rs=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set rs=cm.Execute
' finally
set Datagrid1.DataSource=rs

Unfortunatelly, after I execute the cm command, the cursor type property in rs back to 0 (Dynamic)...And in execution time I see the error: The Rowset is not bookmarkable

Are there somedoby that can help me? Thanks.
I used to get the same error too.

Then I created an explicit ADODC on the form, assigned the necessary properties and then bound the DataGrid to this ADODC, everything worked fine.

I am not sure if this is feasible with your problem or not, but just wanted to let you know.

- Subha Nothing is impossible, even the word impossible says I'm possible.
Thank you Subhavs...
I was trying to do that, but I cannot set the store procedure parameters to the ADODC...
How can I specify those parameters in an ADODC control?

Thanks again.

Gee... The SQL that I used was a normal query, I had not used stored procedures before.

But, I tried for while yesterday using stored procedures with explicit ADODC. Looks like there is no documentation for passing parameters.

As with the command object, I did find something amusing though. There is a BookMarkable property of this command object that needs to be set to true (cmd.Properties("BookMarkable") = true). This makes the 'Rowset is not bookmarkable' error to go away, but the grid does not get populated though.

This is a progress, but not satisfactory. My suggestion would be to open a trouble ticket with Microsoft and listen to what they have got to say.

Once you get the solution, I would like to know what it is. Could you please post a followup ?


- Subha Nothing is impossible, even the word impossible says I'm possible.
I think your solution can run, I will try with it... but, fortunatelly I have already found the solution and I want to comunicate that to you...
You have to write the same lines that I wrote at the beginning of this thread, but you set the rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient before you execute the command...Also, previously, you have to open the connection with its CursorLocation at the client side (prmcnConexion.CursorLocation=adUseClient)... I did that and my code finally run...

Thanks Jagger, for the followup. It worked !!

- Subha :) Nothing is impossible, even the word impossible says I'm possible.
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