Yes, i mean the register stored on a specific table, i don´t know the name, but must be the system table.
The other question is regarding to the access project file. I mean, the access project files contains tables, forms, queries, reports, etc. My question is if it´s possible to have the tables of a project (databes system) on other (os windows) files different than the whole project access file.
I hope this explain a little bit more what i want.
You can export forms with a .frm extension modules with a .bas extension etc as in vb and as for the system tables
and re the system tables
on your menu go to tools
in this select view system objects
close this down
go to macros
create a new macro - bkupSysTbls
select copy object
in the action arguments
leave destination database blank (if you are backing up into this database and exporting later - otherwise use the full path.
in the new name msysobject1
in the source object type table
in the source object name
select the msysobjects table that is now unhidden
in the action arguments
Repeat this for all of the system tables and then you will have a backup
Re exporting the objects
in your project go to modules
select View
Project Explorer
on the left hand side of the window you will have a tree structure of the objects within the project.
Select whichever object you require - right mouse click
select export and do just that to wherever you wish to store your files
I forgot to mention when copying the system tables don't call them all msyobjects1 of course - use their original name and add a 1 at the end
so just repeat the macro for each of them and then run it
I know I export .frm in word but in projects I think you can only export the form as a .cls and the form isn't exported- I'll have to go check - I may be getting my word form export and access export mixed
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