However I am not sure how to handle with the print step.
I assume that it is an option “rows repeat at the top.
However when I am trying to put number 1 into the window (because I need to repeat row #1 as a header on each page), system generates an error, saying “Invalid reference”
or you could always just click in the "rows to repeat at top" box then select the row in the spreadsheet and excel will insert the reference for you...
Rgds, Geoff
We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names and all are different colours but they all live in the same box.
As a rule, any time you have to enter ROW, COLUMN, CELL or RANGE references into a box or formula, the BEST way, as Geoff has indicated, is FIRST, be sure your cursor position is IN THE BOX or IN THE FORUMLA, and then actually select the ROW, COLUMN, CELL or RANGE, and Excel will put it where your cursor was, with all the necessary syntax.
Skip, Did you hear what happened when the OO programmer lost his library?... He's now living in OBJECT poverty!
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