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How to add a Tape driver to AIX?

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Dec 1, 2000
Hi all,

I'm trying to add a tape driver with smit. First the tape that I have is a SuperStore 40Dat and the AIX doesn't have this option. Then if I choose a 4mm4gb I need to choose the Connection address. How do I know the connection address?
This is on a RS6000 IBM
Thanks for your help.

This command will tell you the tape drive addresses:

lsdev -C -c tape Al
Well, I tryied that command and nothing appears.
It seems that is not recognizing this scsi tape.
Any other suggestion?
try running - cfgmgr -v, it may auto configure.

Since your system does not recognize the "tape" parameter of the lsdev command, before you can define a tape drive, you need to determine the SCSI Target id. IS the SCSI card a new install or one that came with the system? Don't you have system documentation?

In any event, type "lsdev -C | sort -d -f". This will list all known(defined) devices on the system, including hardware cards, processors, volume groups, logical devices, memory, terminal, network, etc. This will at least allow you to find the SCSI card in question, by process of elimination at the very least. Then you can assign a tape drive to the SCSI card at the Target id which is available.
You will need the driver, or maybe one of the existing models can be used. If not, go to IBM web site to search for the hardware driver you need.

Hope this helps you. Al
Thanks it help a lot. The system recogniced the tape, now I would like to do a backup I'm usign the following command:
find /name -print | backup -i -f /dev/rmt0
After this I got this messages:
Mount volume 1 on /dev/rmt0
Press enter to continue.
After I press enter nothing happends...
Why is this message displayed? What should I do next?
Check to see if it is in fact rmt0. Type the "lsdev -C -c tape" command and see if it returns rmt0 and if it is available. Al
yes it returns rmt0. and is available.
I've been trying to do a system backup, with mksysb but it returns that the tape is either write protected or beeing used by another application. but none of these two things are true.
But the same result. :-(
Any other suggestion.
Hi Acosta !

Try using the tar command to do a backup on the tape and then try to restore or read from the tape( i mean a ..
tar -tvf /dev/rmt0 )
Also can you post the outputs of
lsdev -Cc tape and
lsattr -El rmt0
"Better to ask a question once and be thought a fool once, than never to ask and remain a fool forever"
lsdev -C -c tape ----> rmt0 available 10-80-00-5,0 Other SCSI Tape Drive
lsatrr -El rmt0
mode yes
block_size 512
extmf yes
res_sup no
var_block_size 0
density_set_1 0
density_set_2 0
delay 45
rwtimeout 144
ref_error no
Now when I did a backup command I got the following message:
A system call received a parameter that is no valid.
Any suggestions?
I think we need to revisit the driver issue. The system does not know what type of device this is (other tape device) so right there we have an issue. Try to configure the tape drive with one of the existing 4mm drivers that should already exist. Use smit (devices,tape...) to change the characteristics of the tape drive.

If this doesn't help, try IBM web site and see if there is a driver available and download.

Let me know if this is of any help. Al
I think that I would have to check IBM if they have a driver available.
Thanks sunman it really help me
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