SQL="SELECT Datum, Number, Action, BInVKP, BUitAKP FROM journal WHERE Datum between 'DD-MM-YYYY' and 'DD-MM-YYYY'" &_
"UNION ALL SELECT Datum, Number, Action, BInVKP, BUitAKP, FROM bnkbk WHERE Datum between ''DD-MM-YYYY' and 'DD-MM-YYYY'' AS RCDet ORDER BY Datum ASC"
Filtering the date field between 01-01-YYYY and any date in the year is not possible.
The website database is Access - field : short date as DD/MM/YYYY (starting from year beginning 01-01)
I also tried for example date<=30/04/YYYY or date<=YYYY/04/30... without success.
Where am I wrong?
Thanks for tips