I've got a BCM400 with an expansion chassis running release 4.0. Here's how the busses are allocated.
2 - DSM32+
3 - DSM32+
4 - Trunk module (from 4x16)
5 - Station module (from 4x16)
6 - ASM8
7 - DTM
DS30 split is 2/6
We currently have 31 IP client licenses and need to add another 22. Can the system support that as it is?
Your feedback would be appreciated.
2 - DSM32+
3 - DSM32+
4 - Trunk module (from 4x16)
5 - Station module (from 4x16)
6 - ASM8
7 - DTM
DS30 split is 2/6
We currently have 31 IP client licenses and need to add another 22. Can the system support that as it is?
Your feedback would be appreciated.