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How load FSF file coming form PDI 7.2 using Connect it 3.2.1 to AC 4.3

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Mar 29, 2003

We are using Assetcenter 4.3 with Connect it 3.2.1.
I just did create a new scanner using PDI 7.2 and this scanner create an FSF file not a XML file.

The problem I have is the load the FSF file into AssetCenter with Connect it

When I am using the PDI connector, the script doesn't works because the connector is looking after a XML file.
When I am using the IDD connector the script doesn't work because the FSF file is coming from PDI 7 and not IDD 6.

I can't change the FSF format to XML.

Any idea to fix this problem ???

Forget this message, I have the solution thank you anyway
Would you teach the solution method, if it does not interfere? I also worry about the same thing.

In PDI v7, the step where the application data is added to the scan file is now called XML Enrichment - it performs application recognition and stores an updated scan file in XML format.

The tool to do this is the XML Enricher, which runs as a Windows service. Simply start the Enricher, move the scan files to the Incoming directory and wait a few moments - processed scan files then appear in the Processed directory, ready to be handled by Connect-It.

In IDD v6, this step was embedded within the FSF Connector. Having it as a separate process allows much greater control over the process and its setup, and allows you to distribute the load between 2 machines if you have many scan files.

I hope this helps,
Allan Mertner
Peregrine Systems
The XML Enricher is a very important part in the PDI process. After you have generated your scanner and scanned your systems, the scan files can be “enriched” to also contain application data; the XML Enricher adds this data. The XML Enricher of PDI v7.0.0 does not have the ability to be able to monitor multiple directories.
In PDI v7.1.1, we added this ability although it is not mentioned in the documentation. Instead, this document outlines how to enable this new feature.
The new feature may be useful in two scenarios:
1) Different scanners are used in the organization. In this case, it may be desirable to use different XML Enricher settings for each set of scanners.
2) The XML Enricher runs on a machine with multiple CPUs. Since the XML Enricher is single-threaded, running multiple instances of it makes it possible to make full use of the machine’s CPUs.

Command Overview
The XML Enricher executable can be run to create of more services using the following syntax:
“XML Enricher Service.exe” /install /name:<Name> /display:<DisplayName>
Uninstalling a service uses the following syntax:
“XML Enricher Service.exe” /uninstall /name:<Name>
The new XML Enricher Services use the settings from a file named Name.ini in the same directory as the XML Enricher executable itself. If this file does not exist, the new XML Enricher creates the file and populates it with default settings.
Note that parameters with spaces in them should be quoted, for example
“XML Enricher Service.exe” /install /name:MySvc “/display:My Service”

Example: Using different XML Enrichers for different scanners
In this example, we 3 different scanners are deployed in the organization. Because data from the 3 scanners needs to be processed using different Connect-It scenarios, we will set up a different XML Enricher for each of the scanners.
**Note** This example assumes that the PDI Manual and reference guides have been read and you understand the use of the scanners, the XML Enricher and the process of collecting scan files.
The 3 scanners are:
Userscanners.exe - deployed to the end user to inventory the users system.
Serverscanners.exe - Executed by the administrator to inventory the server.
TechScanners.exe - Used by a technician that is responding to a problem system in the organization.
Each scanner has been configured to save an Off-site scan file. In order for the enrichment process to take place they need to be saved back to a directory that is monitored by an XML Enricher.
The Directory setup
The Installer for PDI 7.1.1 sets up a default directory structure for the XML Enricher to monitor.
The default directory structure looks like this.
Directory Explanation
C:\Scans The base directory
C:\Scans\Incoming The incoming directory. The Enricher looks for new scan files here.
C:\Scans\Processed The processed directory. Enriched scan files are created here.
C:\Scans\Processed\Mif The MIF directory. If enabled, MIF files are created here.
C:\Scans\Failed The base failure directory. Failed scans are moved to a sub directory of this.
C:\Scans\Failed\Corrupt Scans that cannot be read or may not be scan files are moved here.
C:\Scans\Failed\Licence If too many scans are processed, new scans are moved here.
C:\Scans\Failed\Error When any other error occurs, scan files are moved here.

**Note** The default is set to the C: drive of the system. This can be set to other drives as long as the drive is connected to the system where the XML Enricher service is running.
The default directory C:\scans will be used for the userscanners.exe. Follow these steps to set up more directories.
1. Create a new Directory named c:\scans2
2. Copy all Sub-directories from C:\scans to c:\scans2 This directory structure will be used for the serverscanners.exe
3. Create a third directory named c:\scans3
4. Again, copy all the Sub-directories from C:\scans to C:\scans3 This will be used for the techscanner.exe
5. Share each directory so they are accessible on the network, as scans, scans2 and scans3, respectively.
The Scanner Setup
Make your selection for each scanner in Scanner Generator but in the Scanner Options page do the following.
1. For the scanner userscanner.exe set the Off-Site location in Scanner Generator to save to \\<servername>\scans\incoming
2. For the scanner serverscans.exe set the Off-Site location in Scanner Generator to save to \\<servername>\scans2\incoming
3. For the scanner serverscans.exe set the Off-Site location in Scanner Generator to save to \\<servername>\scans3\incoming
If a mapped drive letter is the save location replace \\<servername>\scans\incoming with the drive letter that you are mapping. Example: x:\scans\incoming, etc.
With the scanners configured, we need to set up 3 XML Enricher instances to monitor the 3 incoming directories. Since the settings for the XML Enricher are stored in an ini file, we need to create 3 different ini files:
Creating the settings files for the XML Enrichers
1. Backup the original settings file xmlenricher.ini (found in C:\Program Files\Peregrine\Desktop Inventory\7.1.1\XML Enricher) to a safe place.
2. Create 2 copies of the file, named xmlscans2.ini and xmlscans3.ini in the same directory as the original xmlenricher.ini. These files will be used to configure two extra instances of the XML Enricher.
3. Since the data from the first scanner will be saved to the default incoming directory, we do not need to edit the default ini file.
4. Open xmlscans2.ini in a text editor such as Notepad. The structure of the file is discussed in the Desktop Inventory User’s Guide.
Since we need to change the directories monitored, the entries to edit are the ones in the [XmlEnricherConfig] section of the file.
Change all of the paths settings (cfgDir* entries) to point to the desired paths.
5. Repeat step 4 for the xmlscans3.ini file.
6. Make sure you still have the original xmlenricher.ini file in the XML Enricher directory. If not, copy the backup file you created earlier. If you still have a file check the paths to be sure they still point to c:\scans.
Setting up extra XML Enrichers
The main file of the XML Enricher, XML Enricher Service.Exe, can be found in the XML Enricher directory (by default, C:\Program Files\Peregrine\Desktop Inventory\7.1.1\XML Enricher. This file can be used to add more instances of the XML Enricher service. To add the two new services:
1. Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files\Peregrine\Desktop Inventory\7.1.1\XML Enricher.
2. Run the following command line from this directory
“XML Enricher Service.exe” /install /name:xmlscans2 “/display:XML Enricher for Scans2”
3. A new service will be created and will use the setting in the xmlscans2.ini file. You can start this service by typing net start xmlscans2 at the command prompt.
4. Run the following command line from this directory
“XML Enricher Service.exe” /install /name:xmlscans3 “/display:XML Enricher for Scans3”
5. A new service will be created and will use the setting in the xmlscans3.ini file. You can start this service by typing net start xmlscans3 at the command prompt.
Note that the /display parameter is optional. If it is specified, the parameter is used to name the service when it is shown in the list of Services. If it is omitted, the service name from the /name parameter is used.

To remove one of the new services, use the /uninstall command:
“XML Enricher Service.exe” /uninstall /name:xmlscansX
**Note the quotes around those parameters that have spaces in them. The service name must not have any special characters in it, including spaces. The quotes are use in the command line to a) run the service and b) enables you to give the service a meaningful name.

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Great thanks!
There are useful things for me!


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