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how install speedstream 5360 w.o. yahoo browser etc? 1

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Feb 28, 2003
I remember my cable modem hookup (home) came with a cd with nearly useless install software. Now my parents want me to hook them up to the internet, save them some money and install their sbc yahoo dsl myself. My general question - is it practical to do this without using Yahoo's proprietary virtual truck?

Pop wants to experiment with IIS and possibly netshow/ powerpoint streaming so he ordered a busines dsl hookup for nt4. We have m$ enterprise server running at sp3 with doc and tray swappable hard drives (which I love). On a mini test LAN made of his server (different hard drive) and one laptop client, we have tcp, IIS, and dhcp working OK (no error messages in event log). I then mounted the sbc yahoo install CD. It ran for what seemed a long time then put up a message that it could not complete without sp6.

Since then every boot produces a screen directing the mount of the sbc yahoo cd using about 98% of the cpu. I've traced that to a couple files in the temp directory: recoverfromreboot.exe and recoverfromreboot.ini. After renaming them, the cpu usage is back to normal but the screen still appears. Only now it mentions a virtual truck. Elsewhere on the web (thanks to Jabez Gan) this is possably due to a registry key such as hklm...\Run or RunEx or RunOnce?

Any ideas greatly appreciated.
Further searching, admittedly on Efficient Networks own site, indicates very plainly that there dsl modem needs no special software / drivers on our PC(s). It could even be connected straight to a hub.

So what am I worried about? Hopefully nothing. They do have Minimum Requirements which seems to contradict with the just plug it in to a NIC and run. Stay tuned.
wow. I hope you can reverse the things you have allready done. Try just uninstalling the software in add/remove programs. Now keep it simple. Get a router, you can run it from your cable connection or the DSL connection to as many computers a you need to. Its that simple. Thier are several companies that sell them. Try your local computer store.... Let everything that have breath praise the Lord.
>is it practical to do this without using Yahoo's >proprietary virtual truck?
Yes, you can set up MS Server without the Yahoo software. I'd encourage you to do so; Enternet 300 and MSServer/ NT4 don't necessarily play nice with each other, especialy if you don't have SP6 (which you say you don't). Assuming that the "business" connection provides a static set of IP addresses, you shouldn't need to do much other than configure your server to look for your IP address and open up a browser. If however, you have gotten a PPPoE connection to DSL, then use WinPOET or raspppoe to connect to the sbc registration site, get your own user id and password, and then use your PPPoE client to provide SBC with your (brand new) user id and password.

By the way, in addition to the add/remove software suggestion from dcwtechmech, there is also a batch file on the sbc yahoo cd that is named something like "removeenternet.bat" that will get rid of what manual removal of programs won't.

Good luck.
Thanks alot you all. This is encouraging.

Jabez was right. The virtual truck screen was fired by a key in the registry ending with "run". I deleted it and my sp3 enterprise server seems totally back to normal.

On a separate hard drive I've built a simpler version of the system and got it up to sp5 OK. Last March I downloaded SP6a "40 bit encryption for a single system" from M$. And stashed it on a CD. I tried to put it on last weekend but it stopped with a message that it couldn't download some files from the Internet. So I'm moving it to a site where it can access the net and I'll soon see if that lets me get sp6 going.
I still have the original system and, when I'm not experimenting, it is up, intranetted but not Internetted.

I have put sp6/6a up a few times on other machines, enough to notice it has a bug that interferes with it running as a dhcp server. Also I think it clobbers netshow/ActiveMovie. Anybody know about fixing these? I know some routers, either LinkSys or NetGear, can provide dsl service so that may not be worth bothering with. Can someone tell me which router/tcp switch is the best value for IIS and possibly streaming powerpoint, etc?

PPOE might be the stumbling block. I don't know much about it - yet. I'll look into the winpoet and other things tomprz and dcwtechmech mentioned.

Thanks again for your ideas and suggestions.
You should be able to use any browser that you want.. you may have to change connections settings, depending on your type of connection... Netscape, IE, or AvantBrowser my favorite..
Thanks again guys for your help. Also I found Robert Schlabbach ( really has some helpful detailed discussion about pppoe. He also seems to have a very popular set of dsl drivers for win9x and nt4 which I will try. Interestingly, he states that one only needs sp4 of nt4, not sp6. When I finally got to looking at Efficient Networks' web, the mfg of this SBC Yahoo! dsl modem, more of the picture appeared. Tomprz, thanks for the info on the removeinternet batch file on the yahoo cd. With that name I would never have looked at it without you pointing it out.

The more I look at pppoe, the more it appears, at least in some respects very much like the goo @Home tried to foist on its users, NOT technically necessary but is $$$$ and "branding" for the telcos. So those people accustomed to the "dial-up experience will feel at home", etc. Seems to be saying PPPOE takes an always connected connection and turns it into an an always almost connected. wow.

I'm getting curious about rfc 2516? Anybody here looed it over? Pppoe is point to point protocol over ethernet. Why go over ethernet? Is there no (more) direct way get to ethernet? Why not go with TCP/IP?

Also I'm hearing that the virtual truck part of the goo, aka rebootrecover, is useful goo in that M$ has some nuisance bugs in win9x and nt4 that its not going to fix.

Any corrections, information, ideas, suggestions, comment much appreiated.

I got a bit further into the install this evening on the nt4 sp6 configuration. Now the SBC Yahoo! install program is telling me I have to install NT4 RAS first. As I recall from an NT4 Admin class, there are quite a few variables in a RAS installation. Will NT4 Server's 255 RAS User limit cause any headaches?

Any pointers or tips?

Thanks for your help.
U have Robert Schlabbach ( RASPPPOE installed. SBC Yahoo's RAS install directions left me cold. I now have a shortcut on the desktop for the "dial-up" connection. Trouble is when I double-click it, I'm asked for an identification and pasword and it won't accept the defaults (no surprise). I've called SBC and they say I have yet to go thru Registration??
An update. The DSL business connection I asked for turns out to be the same as the home computer. Just because you ask for a "business" connection one cannot assume they are getting static IPs.

I stumbled onto an answer to the question of exactly what to do when the SBC Yahoo installler directs YOU to install RAS on your NT Server. It is sufficient to install RASPPPOE. Once RASPPPOE has setup a "dial" connection then the SBC install program can move on and the remaining steps are pretty straight forward.

I hoped the RASPPPOE would make the SBC Yahoo! gum unmecessary but I've never been able to get thru the login protocol. Perhaps their is a MTU issue?

Is a standard ethernet frame 1500 bytes and is the PPPOE header 8 bytes? If so I would think that 1492 bytes would be plenty for user id and password??? Any advice from RASPPPOE users would be most appreciated.
Okay. You got a pppoe connection, not the static connection you expected. Be sure you're paying residential pricing, tho, if you're not actually a business. That can be significantly more than just a $ or 2.

And yes, you'll need to create your "user id and password" manually. In your pppoe client, use

Username: sbcyahooreg@sbcglobal.net
Password: sbcyahooreg

for your login. Then browse over to the registration URL...

----*------------------------ (note the https, not http header, this is a secure connection and won't work if you forget the "s" ....)

Answer the questions for registration. That's when and where you create your user id and password .... and then plug your new user id and password into your pppoe client.
Note that your user id will be in the format of an email address - e.g. "foo@sbcglobal.net" while your password is just that, your password, e.g. "foofoo5432".

Good luck.
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