How do you send an email with a link to a frameset page that contains attributes such as "onClick".
My problem is that currently I send an email with specific cgi parameters. Although, this does display the page i want, i do not have the entire frameset, just that page.
Currently, I concatenate a string and the link is constructed:
$msg = $msg . "To approve this MR point your web browser at URL: \n tracking/approve/approveLTR.cgi?keysearch=$fw_key\n\n";
However I need to do this:
<a href="tracking/approve/index.html" onClick='parent.main.location.href="approveLTR.cgi?keysearch=$fw_key"'>Open LTR $fw_key</a>
Can you help?
$msg = $msg . "To approve this MR point your web browser at URL: \n racking/\n\n";
My problem is that currently I send an email with specific cgi parameters. Although, this does display the page i want, i do not have the entire frameset, just that page.
Currently, I concatenate a string and the link is constructed:
$msg = $msg . "To approve this MR point your web browser at URL: \n tracking/approve/approveLTR.cgi?keysearch=$fw_key\n\n";
However I need to do this:
<a href="tracking/approve/index.html" onClick='parent.main.location.href="approveLTR.cgi?keysearch=$fw_key"'>Open LTR $fw_key</a>
Can you help?
$msg = $msg . "To approve this MR point your web browser at URL: \n racking/\n\n";