It is easy to save to a .xls file but I can't seem to find a way to save to an .xlsx file. With the ability to save larger files to the .xlsx files this would be a great savings. Any help would be appreciated.
Do you have a special reason for wanting to export to XLSX rather than XLS? All versions of Excel can open and read XLS files, whereas only 2007 and later can natively handle XLSX.
Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Thanks for your help. The reason I wanted to go direct to xls is i work with very large files in the 100s of thousands so when I finish a job that the customer wants back in excel I would typically copy the file to ie: copy to smith.xls type xls. The problem is only 65K records will come across.
My option is to save it to a text file and then import it into an xlsx file. My hopes were there was some update out there to save the extra time it takes to do the work. I know it doesn't sound like a lot but when you are processing millions of records every second counts.
As marcopolo summarised going throuh text (perhaps HTML, as in mm0000's code) is your only chance to process so much rows.
You could rather use VFPs oledb provider from Excel 2007 and load on data. But I assume you do have your result in a cursor and so would first need to write it out as a dbf, some time penalty involved.
I would strongly recommend not to make the oExcel, oBook and oSheet PUBLIC memvars, let alone use implicit declaration of the m.I and m.X memvars, colelague Endhey! Especially since you do not RELEASE either of them at the end of your code (and do not even use that m.X after assigning the Int value to it).
I would declare all the memvars for the Excel's objects, as well as the counter m.I memvar, as LOCALs... and, BTW, I'd close/exit those Excel objects at the end, too. [;-)]
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