I need to have more than one external html file load in my flash website file. I have tried to create two LoadVars and when I added the code for the second html text it not only didn't work but it caused my other html file to not work.
I am new to flash and this is my first time building a website on my own. Can anyone give me a sample of how to write this actionscript code for more than one html dyamic text boxes with css attached.
My two sections so far that have external html files are a news section where a swf file loads and plays an animated pic that transitions out to be able to read helpful tips in a textbox with a scroll bar.
And the next section is a case study.
This is frustrating please help!
I am new to flash and this is my first time building a website on my own. Can anyone give me a sample of how to write this actionscript code for more than one html dyamic text boxes with css attached.
My two sections so far that have external html files are a news section where a swf file loads and plays an animated pic that transitions out to be able to read helpful tips in a textbox with a scroll bar.
And the next section is a case study.
This is frustrating please help!