I'm pretty new to the product and just wanted to see how other users used this option. We used to use arcserve, so that when the end of the month came, we took that full backup tape and put it in the safe to save it. Since Legato doesn't work like that (specific monthly tapes and etc), the only option I've figured out is to clone all the full save sets at the end of the month and then eject them out of the library and put them in the safe. We have over 60 clients we are backing up and anytime I've tried to do clones, it's a very time consuming process and very manual. IT also ties up the drive for a long time, which isn't good when they are needed for backup. I just wanted to see how other people manage their stuff and see if they could give me any ideas to make this easier. I would like to have a system like the old way, where at the end of the month I could take out tapes with full backups on them and put them in the safe, but any suggestions would be great. How do you implement your off-site storage?<br><br>Thanks!!!!