No offense to the respondors, but you have to learn how to do these things somewhere. Warning the OP that it is not a activity performed lightly and should be done during non-business hours and at low usage periods is a good idea, but telling people not to do it at all..
Isn't the point of these forums to learn and ask questions?
Kodaker, as TAnselm said, it's in the "upgrades and conversions NTP" which you can find here. (I know this link isn't working properly, but I left it that way anyway.) I would try to link to the exact document, but since you didn't specify software version and exact hardware, it's hard to give you an exact link.
If you haven't done this before I'd offer two recommendations (1) consider getting a tech from a vendor to supervise the process until you're confident you can repeat the procedure without needing documentation, (2) only perform a parallel reload during non-business hours or during scheduled changed controls (or both).
Your entire phone system will be down during a parallel reload.
Also, there is no reason to perform a parallel reload as part of any "routine" maintenance plan. The only reason I ever perform a parallel reload is because I'm upgrading a system or the rare case of resolving corruption. If you're doing an upgrade or dealing with corruption, you really should have your maintenance vendor involved.
correction, I meant to say: I know that the link doesn't show up as "here" properly, but I didn't want to reformat the text to change my wording (it's late here and I'm getting tired, and therefor lazy about my typing.)
the only time the system goes down is after you upgrade code 0, then swap into that core to upgrade core 1.. that is the reason for a parallel.. otherwise you can just boot off of the install disk and reload it that way.. the last few parallel's i've done the down time was under 2 minutes...
Cpp and CPv have different processes as well, as the motorola processors. If this is a P2, with MMDU's you would follow that process.
When you say Specs. what do you mean?
If you are planning to re-install the software (parallel reload) then you would want to go through the documentation first, then ask us any specific questions you might have once you read up on the process, there are too many steps to provide you with....
Manuals are a must for this type of equipment, I have worked with guys that have been doing this forever, they Always have the manuals with them. They refer to them only because you don't forget something while you are doing upgrade/reinstall, everytime there is a software upgrade something new might be in the procedure so there is no point doing it without reference material.
your right, of course. back when i did 2 or 3 upgrades a week.. i didn't need the books but you can bet i had one on hand in case something did not respond the way i expected
This is outputting every 30 seconds off the J25 CPSI port of the active CPU 0(Rls 4....MMDU P2 processor)
So far I've tried
1.removing the port and reprogramming
2.switch CPU the error move to the active CPU Port
I have a 24 hour machine (call centre with 1000 agents)
no other port are affected...
not service affecting at this time.....
Has anyone seen this B4
Parallel Reload might fix.... Split...Cutover....Join
I'm not upgrading at this time
Patch level at the latest
Anyone have any Ideas
Thanks again for all the replies..............
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