This below is my ASP page. Does anybody know what lines i need to write to a file? All suggestions welcome, thanks in advance, J
<%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %>
strTitle = Request.Form("Title"
strBinary = Request.Form("Binary"
strBuild = Request.Form("Build"
strTest = Request.Form("Test"
strDate = Request.Form("Date"
strLandLine = Request.Form("LandLine"
strMobile = Request.Form("Mobile"
str1_3_9Challenge = Request.Form("1_3_9Challenge"
strBlocks = Request.Form("Blocks"
strChallenge = Request.Form("Challenge"
strIRDBDownload = Request.Form("IRDBDownload"
striIRDBDownload = Request.Form("iIRDBDownload"
strReprogramming = Request.Form("Reprogramming"
strStatus = Request.Form("Status"
strComment = Request.Form("Comment"
strDebugs = Request.Form("Debugs"
<B>Binary: </B><%=strBinary %><BR>
<B>Build: </B><%=strBuild %><BR>
<B>Test A/C: </B><%=strTest %><BR>
<B>Date: </B><%=strDate %><BR><BR>
<B><U>Test Results</U></B><BR><BR>
<B>1_1_15 LandLine:</B> <%If strLandLine = "Tekelec" Then %>
Tekelec: Yes
<% Else %> <U>Tekelec - No</U>
<% End If %>
<% If strLandLine = "D&D" Then %>
D & D: Yes
<% Else %> <B> , </B> <U>D & D - No</U>
<% End If %>
<% If strLandLine = "BearerData" Then %>
Bearer Data: Yes
<% Else %> <B> , </B> <U>Bearer Data - No</U>
<% End If %>
<% If strLandLine = "SoftShelf" Then %>
SoftShelf: Yes
<% Else %> <B> , </B> <U>SoftShelf - No</U>
<% End If %><BR><BR>
<%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %>
strTitle = Request.Form("Title"
strBinary = Request.Form("Binary"
strBuild = Request.Form("Build"
strTest = Request.Form("Test"
strDate = Request.Form("Date"
strLandLine = Request.Form("LandLine"
strMobile = Request.Form("Mobile"
str1_3_9Challenge = Request.Form("1_3_9Challenge"
strBlocks = Request.Form("Blocks"
strChallenge = Request.Form("Challenge"
strIRDBDownload = Request.Form("IRDBDownload"
striIRDBDownload = Request.Form("iIRDBDownload"
strReprogramming = Request.Form("Reprogramming"
strStatus = Request.Form("Status"
strComment = Request.Form("Comment"
strDebugs = Request.Form("Debugs"
<B>Binary: </B><%=strBinary %><BR>
<B>Build: </B><%=strBuild %><BR>
<B>Test A/C: </B><%=strTest %><BR>
<B>Date: </B><%=strDate %><BR><BR>
<B><U>Test Results</U></B><BR><BR>
<B>1_1_15 LandLine:</B> <%If strLandLine = "Tekelec" Then %>
Tekelec: Yes
<% Else %> <U>Tekelec - No</U>
<% End If %>
<% If strLandLine = "D&D" Then %>
D & D: Yes
<% Else %> <B> , </B> <U>D & D - No</U>
<% End If %>
<% If strLandLine = "BearerData" Then %>
Bearer Data: Yes
<% Else %> <B> , </B> <U>Bearer Data - No</U>
<% End If %>
<% If strLandLine = "SoftShelf" Then %>
SoftShelf: Yes
<% Else %> <B> , </B> <U>SoftShelf - No</U>
<% End If %><BR><BR>