I have a form in Excel that if a certain button is pressed I need the user to enter a password before the code for that button is run.
I could just use a inputbox, but that will allow anyone else to see the password when it is typed in. So I want to use a second form with a textbox and set it's PasswordChar parameter to *
Here is the problem. I want to use code like this
checkPassword is a function that takes a string as a parameter. This function opens a form and puts the message in to a lable. The user should enter the password and click OK.
the sub btnOK_Click() should check the password is correct and then force the function that opened the form to return True if the password was OK or False is the password was incorrect.
I just cant work out how to force the function to return. I have tried setting a global variable to either True or False when the user click OK and then unloading the form. This makes the Function return, but it also resets all the global variables set by the form.
Here is my function that calls the form
Here is the sub linked to the forms OK button
Can anybody help me.
I could just use a inputbox, but that will allow anyone else to see the password when it is typed in. So I want to use a second form with a textbox and set it's PasswordChar parameter to *
Here is the problem. I want to use code like this
if checkPassword("Please enter your password") = False then exit sub
the sub btnOK_Click() should check the password is correct and then force the function that opened the form to return True if the password was OK or False is the password was incorrect.
I just cant work out how to force the function to return. I have tried setting a global variable to either True or False when the user click OK and then unloading the form. This makes the Function return, but it also resets all the global variables set by the form.
Here is my function that calls the form
Function checkPassword(message As String) As Boolean
frmPassword.passwordMsg.Caption = message
'passwordStatus is a global variable
If passwordStatus = True Then checkPassword = True Else checkPassword = False
End Function
Here is the sub linked to the forms OK button
Private Sub passwordok_Click()
If Me.passwordtext.Text = "password" Then
passwordStatus = True
passwordStatus = False
End If
Unload Me
End Sub
Can anybody help me.