Ok, I'm embarrased to even ask, but I've never had to upload files to an FTP site and have no idea how to do it. I have the IP address and password and the files...All the pieces are there, just not the basic knowledge to do it...Thanks so much!!
You can also use many browsers, including IE. In the address bar just type the URL, such as ftp://servername.org, then depending on the server & browser, you might need to do a File, Login As.. Then just drag & drop files. Even better would be a full FTP client which can be picked up at most shareware websites.
As a warning for the CLI based ftp client, if you are wanting to upload binary files (ie non text) you would first need to change to Bin and then either put or mput or get or mget.
Generally here is a sample of what I would do.
from the command line (assuming it's DOS)
FTP ftp.site.com
it would then prompt for username and password.
If you are copying files from your machine up then you would need to do an LCD (local drive)..
LCD c:\temp\
then browse to the directory on the ftp site where you need to upload to.
Then type.
to change from ascii to binary
and then either put or mput
mput * would put all of the files in the LCD directory onto the ftp directory.
If you want to download then use get or mget, just remember that you need to change to bin to download binary executables (pretty much everything not ascii related).
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