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How do I track 161 items (5) days per week for (6) months

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Technical User
Nov 10, 2002
Hello, all! Here's a little background on myself and what I have been task to do:
1. I'm totally new to databases and Access.
2. My company paid for training(Compusa computer school)two months ago. Now this is my first project...

How do I setup my table(s) in Access 2000 to:
a. Track a 165 fields
b. (5) days per week
c. for(6)months
d. for 54 kids?

Thanks Mary
Actually, I'm very curious what your own approach would be after that training. I don't want to switch subjects, but a training should have imparted at least a general idea.

you're not alone,

Well TomCologne, training was okay but I'm drawing a big fat blank. Everything was preset and so easy to develop in class. Plus if I got stuck, I always had an instructor to turn to. But how much can you really learn in two days?

This is what I was going to try:

3 table setup...
tbl 1 Contains information on the 54 kids
Name, Ht, Wt, Age, Address, Parents info, etc...

tbl 2 Contains the Behavioral check list
165 items we have to track daily on the kids

tbl 3 would hold the date information
We have to track this information 5 days
per week for one month.

It all seemed so easy, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to make this work. I when to the book store and got Access 2000 bible but it's not telling me what I need to know...

PS to be frank, the more I read the more lost I get!!!

Hi Mary,

Without any information or knowledge about how your project operates, what information you record your each behaviour trait...etc....it seems like you visit each kid in person (or observe), each day, and record information on a pre-defined list of behavioural traits.

So far, you have (a rough sketch):
-a set of kids
-a set of behaviour traits
-each kid as one or more visits (observations)
-each kid has at most one visit per day
-each visit has one or more behaviours
-no behaviour can be recorded more than once per kid_visit

You *could* set your tables like this:

1. kid table
Field 1: KidID(some field to uniquely Indentify kid)
Field 2: Age
Field n: etc

2. behaviour table (BehaviourID, BehaviourName
Field 1:BehID (PK)
Field 2:BehName (name of behaviour)
Field 3: BehDesc (description of behaviour)

3. kid_visit table
Field 1: VisitID (PK)
Field 2: KidID
Field 3: VisitDate (date of visit)

4. visit_trait table
Field 1:TraitID (PK)
Field 2:VisitID
Field 3:BehID
Field 4:Measurement (what ever is recorded against each trait)

That is, a table that records each visit per kid and another table that records behaviour measurements per visit (per kid).

I put PK (primary Key) beside some fo the fields only to illustrate how i've related the tables together. For example in table 4 VisitID and BehID combined could be chosen as the primary key..

Anyhow, this is just something for you to think about..others will probably have other ideas.

Good luck in your db designing!

Table 1 seems ok to me, but I do not really get tbl2, which makes it hard for me to say anything about tbl3. Are the 165 items "Behavioral Patterns" and how are they applied? Example:

tbl2 as kind of a checklist per child and day
tbl2 as lookup catalog

or ...

Option 1 is probably Government's Choice.

The class was certainly worth the money if you got the link to this site there!

General hint: FAQ tab in the forums may answer questions you don't even have yet.

If you could clear tbl2 for me I will try to at least give you my humble opinion.


Thanks Dan, I just use the wizard about an hour ago to help me set up something just like your talking about. Like I said before, school was great but two days to learn Access, NOT! My sister said it could take months to get good on Access so practice, practice, and practice. Having an instructor next to me was great but having people like you are even better. Thank god for people like you and this forum.

I'm sure I'll be asking this forum more questions
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