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How do I specify what I want in ShowMessage? 2

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Dec 13, 2001

I need to have (something like) the following which is obviously wrong. What should the code be?

ShowMessage ('Account' + dmStdAcc.qryGLGLNo.value + 'already exists. Delete it.');

You need a message dialog - eg:
  MyResult := MessageDlg('Account' + 
    dmStdAcc.qryGLGLNo.value + 'already exists. Delete it?',
    mtInformation,[mbYes, mbNo],0);

[tt]MyResult[/tt] returns the value of the button you chose - so you can take the appropriate action. There a set of buttons available for use, as well as dialog types - [tt]mtInformation[/tt] refers to the type of dialog - basically changes the icon in the dialog.

Check out the [tt]MessageDlg[/tt] help for more information.

There are also a bunch of third party extensions to this, that extend the control - including a few on the Delphi 6/7 distribution disks

Good luck!

Chris ;-)
or like this
if MessageDlg('Account' + 
    dmStdAcc.qryGLGLNo.value + 'already exists. Delete it?',
    mtInformation,[mbYes, mbNo],0)=mrYes then do somthing;

Aaron Taylor
John Mutch Electronics
Sorry guys! You have both got it wrong!
The message is making a STATEMENT. It is not asking a question.

My problem is that the following bit doesn't work :)

+ dmStdAcc.qryGLGLNo.value +

Any more suggestions?
I assume that this '.value' is a string?

DNA still on the way, as is the new release of Star............
You can use the original ShowMessage or MessageDlg, but ensure dmStdAcc.qryGLGLNo.value is a string. So if it's a float then use:
+ FloatToStr(dmStdAcc.qryGLGLNo.value) +
or if it's an integer use:
+ IntToStr(dmStdAcc.qryGLGLNo.value) +

There are other formatting routines depending on your needs but these are the very basic ones for real and integer values.

Clive [infinity]
"To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer."
Paul Ehrlich
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What is dmStdAcc?
...And what is qryGLGLNo?

I assume qryGLGLNo is some kind of query field.

Try use dmStdAcc.qryGLGLNo.AsString instead.


You might want to consider using ShowMessageFmt as this combines the ShowMessage and Format functions.
  ShowMessageFmt ( 'Account %s already exists. Delete it.', [dmStdAcc.qryGLGLNo.AsString] );
Like Nordlund, I'm assuming that qryGLGLNo is a TField.

Hampshire, UK
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