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How do I set Record Source for a Report using Visual Basic?

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Jan 26, 2004
Developing an Emergency Messaging Database for Natural Diasters. Namely Hurricanes. Collecting Type of Diaster, Name, Year and Month from a Prompt form. Concantenating these four fields to name Tables, forms, reports. When end-user clicks the Okay button on prompt form (called CreateTable), the following code runs. I'm having name appended to EVENTS table for menu selction menu . First time experience naming objects from end-user input. The report recordsource statement is not working. Any ideas?

Private Sub CreateTable_Click()
On Error GoTo CreateTable_Click_Err

Dim strNewEvent As String
Dim tblNewEvent As String
Dim frmNewEvent As String
Dim pfrmNewEvent As String
Dim rptNewEvent As String
Dim Rpt As Report

strNewEvent = Forms!PromptEventName!FullName
tblNewEvent = "tbl" & Forms!PromptEventName!FullName
frmNewEvent = "frm" & Forms!PromptEventName!FullName
pfrmNewEvent = "pfrm" & Forms!PromptEventName!FullName
rptNewEvent = "rpt" & Forms!PromptEventName!FullName

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRefreshPage
DoCmd.OpenForm "EVENTS", acNormal, "", "", acAdd, acNormal
DoCmd.GoToControl "EVENTS"
Forms!EVENTS!EVENTS = strNewEvent
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Events", acSaveYes

DoCmd.CopyObject "", tblNewEvent, acTable, "MasterTable"
DoCmd.CopyObject "", frmNewEvent, acForm, "MasterForm"
DoCmd.OpenForm frmNewEvent, acDesign
Forms(frmNewEvent).RecordSource = tblNewEvent
DoCmd.Close acForm, (frmNewEvent), acSaveYes

DoCmd.CopyObject "", pfrmNewEvent, acForm, "pMasterForm"
DoCmd.OpenForm pfrmNewEvent, acDesign
Forms(pfrmNewEvent).RecordSource = tblNewEvent
DoCmd.Close acForm, (pfrmNewEvent), acSaveYes

DoCmd.CopyObject "", rptNewEvent, acReport, "MasterReport"
DoCmd.OpenReport rptNewEvent, acViewDesign
(this is not working:)
Rpt(rptNewEvent).RecordSource = tblNewEvent
DoCmd.Close acReport, (rptNewEvent), acSaveYes

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume CreateTable_Click_Exit

End Sub
Must confess I'm not entirely sure on the complete process you're doing, but to refer to a report, which name is stored in a variable, try:

[tt]Reports(rptNewEvent).RecordSource = tblNewEvent[/tt]

Got it, Thanks! I was forgetting to make the word "Reports "plural. Thanks so much. margoo
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