I have a form with a drop down box where I choose who will be assigned to a project.
When a person is chosen, I would like to send them an email indicating that they are now assigned to this project.
Hi -
Am trying to send an email using a macro (on a form) and the SendObject action.
In the TO box I want to look up the email address from a table.
I am using this statement:
DLookUp("[EmailAddress]","[tlkpPerson]","[Person_No] = " & [Forms]![fsubResourceMgmt_WorkPlanAdmin_WorkPlanToPerson]![Person_No])
But when the macro runs I get this error message:
"Unknown message recipients(s); the message was not sent."
It is more usual to start your own thread. I do not usually use macros, so I can only suggest that you check that the DlookUp code is returning the answer you want. From the name, it seems that you may be referring to a subform, if so, you will need to change the reference:
Paste this into a module. There is a lot you do not need in there but have a play with it you will also need to change the email address.
You should be able to call the mailto: code
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Const HH_Gadget_Dialog As Integer = 1
Private Const HH_Whatsit_Dialog As Integer = 2
Private Const HH_Widget_Dialog As Integer = 3
Private Const HH_BSSC_Community As Integer = 4
Private Const HH_Start_Page_Dialog As Integer = 5
Private Const HH_mailto_Dialog As Integer = 6
' Declarations to call the default browser
Private Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1
Private Declare Function CxtWebHelp Lib _
"shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal lpOperation As String, _
ByVal lpFile As String, _
ByVal lpParameters As String, _
ByVal lpDirectory As String, _
ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
Public Sub ShowHelpContext(hwnd As Integer, nContextId As Integer)
Dim strTopic As String
Dim strFullPath As String
Dim strPathOnly As String
' Display help via the HTML Pages of the WebHelp directory or
' URLs of the WebHelp topics
Select Case nContextId
Case HH_Gadget_Dialog
strTopic = "gadget.htm"
Case HH_Whatsit_Dialog
strTopic = "whatsit.htm"
Case HH_Widget_Dialog
strTopic = "widget.htm"
Case HH_BSSC_Community
strTopic = "
Case HH_Start_Page_Dialog
strTopic = "webapp.htm"
Case HH_mailto_Dialog
strTopic = "mailto:ME@MY-ADDRESS.COM"
Case Else
strTopic = "notfound.htm"
End Select
' Get the path to the database
strFullPath = CurrentDb.NAME
strPathOnly = Left$(strFullPath, Len(strFullPath) - Len(Dir(strFullPath)))
' These next two functions are called via two Runcode macros
' that are in-turn called by items on the WebHelp menubar/toolbar.
' Note that the first argument is 0 since the menus can't pass
' the correct window handle.
Public Function ShowContents() As Long
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