Below is the selection criteria:
({TRACE_INV_TRANS.QTY} > 0.00) and
({INVENTORY_TRANS.WAREHOUSE_ID} = {?Warehouse} or {?Warehouse} = "ALL") and
The last line is needed but that gives me ALL the dates prior to the selected date. My question is, how do I filter it just to the record with the most recent date that is less then the selected date? Thanks in advance.
({TRACE_INV_TRANS.QTY} > 0.00) and
({INVENTORY_TRANS.WAREHOUSE_ID} = {?Warehouse} or {?Warehouse} = "ALL") and
The last line is needed but that gives me ALL the dates prior to the selected date. My question is, how do I filter it just to the record with the most recent date that is less then the selected date? Thanks in advance.