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how do I say thank you?

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Nov 22, 2003
How do I thank people who take the trouble to offer solutions to my problems? Is there a correct procedure?
e.g. thanks to sonofemidec1100, and DrJavaJoe. I will reload the printer driver, and try another printer, although all other printing from word processors work fine.
There is a link that says "Thank UserName for this valuable post!"

If you click it you'll get a pop up with another link that says.

"Click Here To Confirm This Action And Give UserName's Post A Star"

and to conclude a final post explaining what worked for you so that others experiencing the same thing can see the resolution.
A star is good but anonymous and not necessarily given by the original poster.

A message from that poster saying 'thanks', or 'that helped' or even 'couldn't get it to work, going in another direction' is great. It lets everyone know that the thread is complete and if the solution worked.

Even better is if a solution was reached and the new solution is shared by the poster for all to learn from. After all we are hear to help and also learn from each other.

Take Care,


"If the grass looks greener... it's probably because there is more manure."
Agreed. Even if no one answers your post correctly in your view if you come up with a solution post it so that if anyone has the same problem 1 year down the line they can use your experience.

A simple "Thanks so-n-so for your help" is good enough for me.

Hope I've been helpful,
Wayne Francis

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ222-2244 first
I just have one problem with the star thing, the link doesn't work for me. I've got this Windows Auto Upater activated (comp policy) and it changed so many things on my IE. I can't even get to my IE options in the normal way. Got to go through Control Panel. Can't click on any hyperlink in an e-mail, got to copy and paste in IE address bar. Any hyperlink on the Web that's got some redirect or script reference doesn't work either, like our pink star

I've changed all security settings to allow java execution and scripting... Still no luck. I assume there's more like me out there, so even if we want to give you a star we can't:(
Hi Laaitie:

I had the same problem in that I could not give someone the star. Then I turned off Norton Internet Security and tried. Voila, I was able to give a star. Similar to your actions, I had enabled everything for TekTips, but NIS still would not allow me to grant a star. I had to disable NIS to give stars.

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