I created a worksheet with several formulas filled down the columns. I want to re-use the format with the formulas with a new set of data. Can I save just the formulas without the data.. maybe in a template or something?
Ty's suggestion is a good one. But another, possibly preferable option, depending on your application, is to simply use "File Save As" - to save the "entire same file" under a DIFFERENT name.
You mentioned a "template", so perhaps save the file as something like "template_(YourApplicationName).xls". Then, delete the data, but leave all the formulas, AND any other "instruction related information" you perhaps also had included in the original file.
Of course, once the data is deleted, re-save the file under the new template name. And, each time you want to use the template file for a new set of data, again use "File Save As" to save the file (with the new data) under a unique filename. This way, the template file ALWAYS remains WITHOUT data and ready for re-use.
I hope this helps.
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