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How do i "ghost" a drive!!!??? 2

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Aug 10, 2002
I was told that there is a command IN windows, from the RUN command that will enable me to ghost the drive (make an exact duplicate). Anyone know what it is and how to do it?


Dave Presley
Pseudo Network and Systems Administrator
Thomas Jefferson, Premier and Air Academy High Schools

Dave Presley
Psuedo Network & Systems Administrator
Premier, Air Academy & Thomas Jefferson High Schools

Off the subject, are you in Colo Springs? I recognize the school names. I used to live there also, before I got tired of the snow!

Nope.. in Phoenix, az


Dave Presley
Psuedo Network & Systems Administrator
Premier, Air Academy & Thomas Jefferson High Schools
Ok, we can't blame it on the snow! Back to the issues at hand, it the Win2k system a server or Workstation?

I use Ghost all the time. So, if you tell me exactly what you want to do, I'll be able to help. I use Ghost for backup. I have users who have applications for which we don't have the install media any more. I ghost their hard drive. If they crash, or if they get a new pc, I restore the image to the new pc, I restore their data from the tape backup, and they're in business. If this is the kind of thing you want to do, I can help with all the details.
Just let me know
That exactly what i want to do. I've set up a drive that has all the apps installed, permissions set... i just want another one JUST.... JUST like it, without having to go thru all the crap. an exact duplicate of the drive..

Dave Presley
Psuedo Network & Systems Administrator
Premier, Air Academy & Thomas Jefferson High Schools
Now you're talking. Ok, first you'll make a master copy (win2k pro) with all the apps installed and folders of diagnostics tools and drivers for diff VGA and LAN etc, anticipate the drivers you'll need for your diff PCs.
Format your 2nd HDD to fat32. Now run the ghost.exe, you choose "disk" to "image" select whether there's a compression or just normal. Save the image file to w2kmstr.gho or any filename you want to the second HDD.

Prepare a bootable CD or a boot diskette with cd drivers. Burn the cd, inside is ghost.exe, w2kmstr.gho or additional copies of drivers and tools. Assuming it all can fit in one cd (there's an option to break down the image file into several files), from another PC boot from Floppy disk with Cd drivers, run the ghost.exe from the CD with an option "image" to "disk". Any problem post it.
Opss. Lastly if you want to just duplicate the HDD. Boot from win98 bootable disk, run ghost.exe then choose "disk" to "disk".
Ricpinto neglected to mention step one: You need to buy the Ghost software from Norton! Cost is about $40.

If your system is a Win2k server, you can just mirror the two drives, break the mirror, and move it to a new system as the primary drive. The new system will see the ex-mirror drive as drivc C:, which is what the original drive was, and you are home free. Still need to have a legal license for the second system though! :)

Problem is not that simple if you have WIn2k workstation, as it does not support the mirror option, and you need to fall back onto Ghost or the Drive Copy program from PowerQuest at Just search Google for "Drive Copy". Program cost is about $50 I think, but it maybe cheaper elsewhere. Since you simply want to duplicate the drive, then move it, this will do it. The program also lets you move from a drive you have outgrown to a larger drive, with all your data and applications. You simply install the new drive as the slave, boot from the floppy, and run drive copy to copy drive one to drive two. After you move the drive you can use Partition Magic to change the partition sizes if you want (especially if you have copied to a larger drive. Two wonderful and powerful tools every IT department should have.

Outstanding.. Thats just the info i was looking for. And it IS a win2K station.. not server. I appreciate all the help.. THANKS!!

Dave Presley
Psuedo Network & Systems Administrator
Premier, Air Academy & Thomas Jefferson High Schools
"Ricpinto neglected to mention step one:" .. The word "neglected" is little bit off, maybe "overlooked" is more pleasing:).

Dave P.
I overlooked to emphasize that using the image from the CD is more suitable because you don't have to open the casing of your PC's just to duplicate the the HDD. And thanks for the STAR:).
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