A cmd button kicks off a query to an Oracle database all via adodb.connection, collects in rs called 'rec'.
Query runs fine, no errors...
What do I type in the Record Source of the form to get to the rec? It's just wants an access table or query, which I'm not using. I assume the record source is only built for those.
I'm trying to call the values from the recordset immediately via the control source so that (for example) the rec!vendor_name shows up automatically in a text box called txtvendor_name on a form called frmCheckInfo?
I've tried rec!vendor_name, rec.vendor_name, [rec]![vendor_name] and nothing works, it just says #NAME?
I have a strong feeling I'm way close or WAY off on all this...appreciate your help in advance.
con.Open "Provider=MSDAORA;" & "Data Source=...blah blah
chk_no = Me.txtCheckNumber
sql = ""
sql = sql & "select check_number"
sql = sql & " , vendor_name"
sql = sql & " , check_date"
sql = sql & " , amount"
sql = sql & " , creation_date"
sql = sql & " from ap.ap_checks_all"
sql = sql & " where check_number = '" & chk_no & "'"
rec.Open sql, con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Query runs fine, no errors...
What do I type in the Record Source of the form to get to the rec? It's just wants an access table or query, which I'm not using. I assume the record source is only built for those.
I'm trying to call the values from the recordset immediately via the control source so that (for example) the rec!vendor_name shows up automatically in a text box called txtvendor_name on a form called frmCheckInfo?
I've tried rec!vendor_name, rec.vendor_name, [rec]![vendor_name] and nothing works, it just says #NAME?
I have a strong feeling I'm way close or WAY off on all this...appreciate your help in advance.