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How do I pass an array to an ArrayList

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Oct 19, 2003
I have an array where I have loaded all the data I need, and then I'm trying to pass that information to go into an ArrayList so I serialize it. I've tried to pass an ArrayList to an ArrayList but it won't work. I have to pass the array through a method and then that mothod will serialize my ArrayList. How do i do this. Please help, I'm a begginer.
To answer your question we could really use some more information/code examples, like what kind of objects are in the array, what *exactly* do you want etc.

I have this array in my form:

//load values to array
string [] dataSetArray = {variable1, variable2, variable3};

//pass array to method Add
oDataStore.Add(dataSetArray);//oDataStore is the object instantiated out of DataStore

//here is my DataStore Namespace

using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using IPropertyNamespace //this is where I have all my Get and Set Methods

namespace DataStoreNamespace
class DataStore
public ArrayList propertyList;

public DataStore
IFormatter formatter = new BinatyFormatter();
Stream stream = new FileStrem("Properties.bin", FileMode.Open)
propertyList = (ArrayList)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
IFormatter formatter = new BinatyFormatter();
Stream stream = new FileStrem("Properties.bin", FileMode.Create);
formatter.Serialize(stream, propertyList)

public void Add(string [] newProperty)
  propertyList = newproperty;
  catch(Exception err)

I know my code is totally wrong. I'm trying to do this:
I want to have all the information about a cruise loaded into an array, and then pass it to an ArrayList where I'll have the information of that cruise along with other cruises already created.
Please help.
ArrayList knows how to work with any ICollection. Arrays don't show all of their interface based methods (to simplify working with them with intellisense in the IDE) but they support all of the collection oriented interfaces that make sense for arrays. ICollection is supported by all arrays.

You can pass the array directly into the collection at create time, like this:

int[] ia = {1,2,3,4,5};
ArrayList al = new ArrayList(ia);

or you can add the elements to an existing ArrayList

al.AddRange(ia); // int array from above, or any array

Oh my God, thank you very much guys. It worked pretty well!!![thumbsup2]
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