I'm having a bit of a time doing this, so any help is appreciated. What I need my code to do, is look up a value from a table, verify that value against what someone typed in, and then execute the next portion of the code. I can have this take care of by a Dlookup function, but I don't want to as it seems to have a problem with in an Access project (adp). What I think, is that I can have this taken care of by working with a recordset, but being recordset ignorant, I'm pretty sure that I'm not coding it correctly. Here is what I have:
Dim SQL As String
Dim SQL2 As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim passwrd As String
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
SQL2 = "SELECT Password FROM Employee WHERE UserID LIKE " _ & '[Forms]![FoLogin]![txtUserID]'
rs.Open SQL2
If SQL2 = [Forms]![FoLogin]![txtPassword] Then
SQL = "INSERT INTO LocalUser ( UserID, UserLevel, SalesID, Manager, Employee ) " & _
"SELECT [Forms]![FoLogin]![txtUserID] AS Expr1, UserLevel, SalesID, Manager, Employee " & _
"FROM Employee " & _
"WHERE (((UserLevel)=(SELECT UserLevel FROM Employee WHERE UserID = [Forms]![FoLogin]![txtUserID]))" & _
"AND ((SalesID)=(SELECT SalesID FROM Employee WHERE UserID = [Forms]![FoLogin]![txtUserID])) " & _
"AND((Manager)=(SELECT Manager FROM Employee WHERE UserID = [Forms]![FoLogin]![txtUserID])) " & _
"AND ((Employee)=(SELECT Employee FROM Employee WHERE UserID = [Forms]![FoLogin]![txtUserID]))) "
DoCmd.OpenForm "FoMain"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "FoLogin"
ElseIf IsNull(txtPassword) Then
MsgBox "The password field cannot be blank. Please type your password."
DoCmd.GoToControl "txtPassword"
MsgBox "Your password is wrong"
DoCmd.GoToControl "txtPassword"
txtPassword.Text = ""
End If
So basically, I need SQL2 to pull the value up from the table, and then I need to validate that value (I'm assuming that the value is now stored in SQL2 as compared to what the user typed in. What am I doing wrong???
I'm having a bit of a time doing this, so any help is appreciated. What I need my code to do, is look up a value from a table, verify that value against what someone typed in, and then execute the next portion of the code. I can have this take care of by a Dlookup function, but I don't want to as it seems to have a problem with in an Access project (adp). What I think, is that I can have this taken care of by working with a recordset, but being recordset ignorant, I'm pretty sure that I'm not coding it correctly. Here is what I have:
Dim SQL As String
Dim SQL2 As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim passwrd As String
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
SQL2 = "SELECT Password FROM Employee WHERE UserID LIKE " _ & '[Forms]![FoLogin]![txtUserID]'
rs.Open SQL2
If SQL2 = [Forms]![FoLogin]![txtPassword] Then
SQL = "INSERT INTO LocalUser ( UserID, UserLevel, SalesID, Manager, Employee ) " & _
"SELECT [Forms]![FoLogin]![txtUserID] AS Expr1, UserLevel, SalesID, Manager, Employee " & _
"FROM Employee " & _
"WHERE (((UserLevel)=(SELECT UserLevel FROM Employee WHERE UserID = [Forms]![FoLogin]![txtUserID]))" & _
"AND ((SalesID)=(SELECT SalesID FROM Employee WHERE UserID = [Forms]![FoLogin]![txtUserID])) " & _
"AND((Manager)=(SELECT Manager FROM Employee WHERE UserID = [Forms]![FoLogin]![txtUserID])) " & _
"AND ((Employee)=(SELECT Employee FROM Employee WHERE UserID = [Forms]![FoLogin]![txtUserID]))) "
DoCmd.OpenForm "FoMain"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "FoLogin"
ElseIf IsNull(txtPassword) Then
MsgBox "The password field cannot be blank. Please type your password."
DoCmd.GoToControl "txtPassword"
MsgBox "Your password is wrong"
DoCmd.GoToControl "txtPassword"
txtPassword.Text = ""
End If
So basically, I need SQL2 to pull the value up from the table, and then I need to validate that value (I'm assuming that the value is now stored in SQL2 as compared to what the user typed in. What am I doing wrong???