Technical User
I want to run a query which sums up instances over a period and only return the top 5 occurances,
This is the code that shows all results.
select po.vendor_cd,supplier_nm,end_dt,
sum(1) as created_qty
ENG_NOTIFICATIONS nots left outer join eng_purchase_orders po on nots.purchase_ord_id = po.purchase_ord_id and po.curr_record_ind = 'y'
left join eng_suppliers sup on po.vendor_cd = sup.vendor_cd and sup.curr_record_ind = 'y'
inner join ref_mmco_date on nots.created_dt between start_dt and end_dt and date_typ = 'rm'
and end_dt between date-190 and date
nots.notification_typ = 'zr'
and sup.vendor_cd is not null
group by 1,2,3
order by 4 desc
This is the code that shows all results.
select po.vendor_cd,supplier_nm,end_dt,
sum(1) as created_qty
ENG_NOTIFICATIONS nots left outer join eng_purchase_orders po on nots.purchase_ord_id = po.purchase_ord_id and po.curr_record_ind = 'y'
left join eng_suppliers sup on po.vendor_cd = sup.vendor_cd and sup.curr_record_ind = 'y'
inner join ref_mmco_date on nots.created_dt between start_dt and end_dt and date_typ = 'rm'
and end_dt between date-190 and date
nots.notification_typ = 'zr'
and sup.vendor_cd is not null
group by 1,2,3
order by 4 desc