No, you don't need to convert your drive to NTFS.
To run your pages, you must compile them and place it on a virtual directory. Then, run it form your web browser (
Your problem isn't very clear. What have you done so far, besides running the .NET setup? What is your problem? Do you have problems running aspx pages? Do you have problems opening the .NET environment? What can't you do exactly?
thanks for reaplying!
i have a problam at ranning the program for the first time..
when i try to open a new project its writing "Web Access Faild" and write some stuff and then i should put some link..
and i dont know what to do could u explain to me what should i do next?
By looking at this thread's title, I supose you don't have NTFS.
For a non NTFS system, you should open your iis manager (control panel > administrative tools), and on the default web site, right click and choose New > Virtual Directory. Then follow the wizard to point to your project folder.
If this does not solve your problem, you should say the rest of your error message. The Web Access Failed Dialog Box can appear for a lot of reasons.
it should work
but i do have NTFS so tell me how id it if i have NTFS
by the way in the administrative tools i have :
Component Services
Computer Management
Data Sources (ODBC)
Event Viewer
Local Security Policy
Microsoft .NET Framework Configuration
Microsoft .NET Framework Wizards
Server Extensions Administrator
and again thank you for helping
It's strange. In the administrative tools you shold have the iis manager. Anyway, open the computer management, on the 'services and applications' node you should have a 'internet information services'. This is where you manage your web sites.
To create a virtual directory in NTFS, right click the folder you want to convert to a virtual directory, choose Properties > WebSharing > Share this folder.
iam using W-XP(NT)
and it finished the setup sucessfully but maybe if there was any way to NOT instell it maybe i did it by mkistka can i fix it or something?
Do you have iis installed? Check it: go to the control panel > administrative tools > services. Find the 'iis admin' service and make sure it is running.
Th create a iis console (to manage your iis) do the following:
Start > Run > write 'mmc' on the textbox.
On the mmc application, go to the File > Add/Remove snap in.
Click on the Add button and choose 'Internet Infomation services' snap in. Click Add button and Close button.
Now u can save it to use it later.
If you don't have this snap in, I don't believe you have the iis installed.
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