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How do I insert muliple selected values in a listbox into a database?

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Dec 16, 2003
I am hand-coding (no FrontPage or Dreamweaver) an ASP, VBScript, JavaScript, MS Access 2000 dynamic web site.

Here are some code excerpts:

<label>Please enter name:
<input name = &quot;deliName&quot; type = &quot;text&quot;>
Please select all sandwiches that you make:
<select name = &quot;sandTypes&quot; multiple size = &quot;1&quot;>
<option>Grilled Cheese</option>
//End form1.asp

submitform.asp (Assume DB connection and rest of page works)
Dim shopName, sandwichTypes
shopName = Request.Form(&quot;deliName&quot;)
sandwichTypes = ?????????????????
SQL = &quot;INSERT INTO DeliTable (name) VALUES('&quot; & shopName & &quot;')&quot;
SQLTWO = &quot;INSERT INTO SandTable (?????) VALUES (??????)&quot;
'End submitform.asp

I just need to know how to GET ALL selected items from form1.asp, PUT them into an array, TEST against database field headers and finally send a YES or NO indicator to each sandwich field (Hopefully NO can be set as default).

I could use checkboxes, but my application is much larger and the user would get annoyed at having to check as opposed to highlighted selected items.

Database tables:
deliID | deliName | etc....

deliID | Reuben | PBJ | Grilled Cheese | BLT |
1 yes no yes yes
2 no yes yes no

(I hope the format of my tables comes thru enuf to see goal.
you will need to retrieve all the values seperately

for i=1 to Request.Form(&quot;sandTypes&quot;).Count
Response.Write(Request.Form(&quot;sandTypes&quot;)(i) & &quot;<br />&quot;)

and update accordingly
Thank you so much- I can't tell you how that's helped. Now can you tell me what the INSERT syntax would be and how i can test each item selected against an existing database field header (column name).

Do I have to use case statements or if-else statements and test each item against every single column name?

for i=1 to Request.Form(&quot;sandTypes&quot;).Count
while(there are MS Access column names)
if(Request.Form(&quot;sandTypes&quot;)(i))== MS Access Column Name)
MS Access Field == &quot;Yes&quot;
MS Access Field == &quot;No&quot;


Sorry for the C++ influence, old pseudocode habits are hard to break and this VBScript is new to me.
Can you see what I'm trying to accomplish and help me code in with correct syntax?

Thanks again sooooo much.
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