I am writing a sql statement in VBA access using recordets, where the table only has one text column.
the select statement used is as follows;
par = "Select * from core1 order by idnumb"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(par)
ads1 = Len(rst.Fields(1).Value)
the text in the table in one column in core1 is a 255 length string, however the string contains a ",".
when the "," appears with teh above statement beleives the "," to be the end of the field and does not recognise and characters after the ",".
Is there something I can do so the statement ignors the ","
the select statement used is as follows;
par = "Select * from core1 order by idnumb"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(par)
ads1 = Len(rst.Fields(1).Value)
the text in the table in one column in core1 is a 255 length string, however the string contains a ",".
when the "," appears with teh above statement beleives the "," to be the end of the field and does not recognise and characters after the ",".
Is there something I can do so the statement ignors the ","