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How do I Delete a file that is currently in use 1

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Aug 21, 2001
I need the ability to delete a Access Locking database (.ldb) that may or may not be in use. I'm attempting to work around some false locking problems on a file server that occur when I have to compact/repair/change an Access DB. I might be the only one in the database but still I am locked out and am prevented from deleting the .ldb. My only solution so far has been to reboot the server and then make my changes or repairs. This is disruptive to the department that uses the server. I have already tried KILL file as well as the DeleteFile API in a VB program. Is there another way??
What you have to do is to fix the original problem and not bodge your way round it.

If no-one is using the database, then you can delete the file, else you cannot.

Peter Meachem
Yes, I know the .ldb won't go away as long as I'm in the DB. It also hangs around while NO ONE IS IN IT! I'm trying to work around a domain/Office 2000 bug. This is what I mean by FALSE LOCKING.
You could try opening the database exlusively and then closing it again to see if that clears the problem. If you are using NT server you could check to see if anyone is accessing the LDB or MDB file and if they are kick them of it.



Hi Guys

Nice to see people with passion in the place.

Anyway. I have seen code all over the place (here included) that allows you to rudely boot out all db users. I think this is what you will need. Just look around.

I remember that the solution was rather complex - but easy when it comes to cut and paste.

Happy hunting.

Stew, much thanks for your nudge in the right direction. I found 2 samples of the code you mentioned right here on Tek-Tips ( plus links to samples in other sites); and, through cannibalization as well as at bit of my own code, was able to cobble together the VB6 exe, the VBA code and Access objects to achieve the user boot-out. Not wanting to be (so teddibly) RUDE, I used "net send..." in a loop to warn the users of what was about to happen.

Once again thanks.

Demivolt, if you could post your code solution then i'd be most grateful. I need something similar to solve a problem I have and cannot find anything anywhere. Thanks.
Donald, here is the code plus some instruction. If you need further elaboration
don't hesitate to post it here. Please note, in posting this I may have misplaced a
comment (') or a line-continuation character so you might want to review the
2 code modules I first pasted in and then edited to make fit.

First you'll have to do the following in your MS Access

1. Create a table with one column defined as Number, type is Byte.
Mine is called tbl86.

2. Create a form. Mine is called fo86. Set the timer interval
to 120000 (2 minutes) or whatever you desire. Set the On_current
event to Forms!fo86.Visible = False. Set the On Timer event to
run sGetOut, a sub that resides in Modules.

3. Create an AutoExec macro to open the fo86 and set the window mode
in the macro to Hidden. This will cause the form and its timer to
always be running but not visible to the users.

4. Put the following code (sGetOut) in a module. This is the sub that checks to
see if you've put a '2' in the GetOut column of tbl86. This module
also calls the user-warning VB program in number 5.
See the notes in the code. You'll have to create this sGetOut
procedure as a Sub. Note all the code you see BEFORE sGetOut is present to
insure that programs called by the ExecCmd run asynchronously of the Access code
that called it.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

cb As Long
lpReserved As String
lpDesktop As String
lpTitle As String
dwX As Long
dwY As Long
dwXSize As Long
dwYSize As Long
dwXCountChars As Long
dwYCountChars As Long
dwFillAttribute As Long
dwFlags As Long
wShowWindow As Integer
cbReserved2 As Integer
lpReserved2 As Long
hStdInput As Long
hStdOutput As Long
hStdError As Long

End Type


hProcess As Long
hThread As Long
dwProcessID As Long
dwThreadID As Long

End Type

Private Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hHandle As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function CreateProcessA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpApplicationName As Long, ByVal lpCommandLine As String, ByVal lpProcessAttributes As Long, ByVal lpThreadAttributes As Long, ByVal bInheritHandles As Long, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, ByVal lpEnvironment As Long, ByVal lpCurrentDirectory As Long, lpStartupInfo As STARTUPINFO, lpProcessInformation As PROCESS_INFORMATION) As Long

Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Const INFINITE = -1&

Public Sub ExecCmd(cmdline$)
Dim ret&

' Initialize the STARTUPINFO structure:
start.cb = Len(start)

' Start the shelled application:
ret& = CreateProcessA(0&, cmdline$, 0&, 0&, 1&, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0&, 0&, start, proc)

' Wait for the shelled application to finish:
ret& = WaitForSingleObject(proc.hProcess, 0)
Loop Until ret& <> 258
ret& = CloseHandle(proc.hProcess)
End Sub

Public Sub sGetOut()
Dim RS As Recordset, ret As Byte
' If you manually put a 2 in getout column of tbl86 they'll get a 2-minute warning.
' Also, a '1' will be inserted. The next time the timer passes 2 minutes, the
' application will shutdown, saving all data.

ret = DLookup(&quot;[getout]&quot;, &quot;tbl86&quot;)

If ret = 2 Then
' (Donald, the line below is the network drive where I installed the WarnUser ' program)
ExecCmd &quot;G:\WarnUsers\WarnUsers.exe&quot;
Set RS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(&quot;tbl86&quot;, dbOpenTable)
On Error Resume Next
RS![GetOut] = 1
Set RS = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If

If ret = 1 Then
Set RS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(&quot;tbl86&quot;, dbOpenTable)
On Error Resume Next
RS![GetOut] = 3
Set RS = Nothing
DoCmd.Close acForm, &quot;fo86&quot;
Application.Quit 'shut down the applicantion with no data lost
End If

End Sub

5. This is the code to the excutable that warns the users. Written
in VB6 & placed in a separate folder on the network, you could put it most
anyplace you wish, however :

Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

' Send a shutdown warning to current users of ' F:\YourNetworkFolder\YourAccessDB.mdb
' Your VB form must reference MS ActiveX Data Objects 2.x Library

' The user list feature provides a way of determining who is currently connected to a
' Microsoft Jet database. The list can be obtained via the ADO programming interface
' and returns the Name of the computer that the user is using.
' I then send a shutdown warning to these computer names via Net Send.

Sub WarnMultipleUsers()
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cn2 As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i, j As Long
Dim retval
Dim Shellstr As String, sComputerName As String, sEdComputerName As String
Dim msg$
Dim EndPos As Byte

cn.Provider = &quot;Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0&quot;
cn.Open &quot;Data Source=F:\YourNetworkFolder\YourAccessDB.mdb&quot;
cn2.Open &quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; _
&quot; Data Source=F:\YourNetworkFolder\YourAccess.MDB&quot;

' The user roster is exposed as a provider-specific schema rowset
' in the Jet 4 OLE DB provider. You have to use a GUID to
' reference the schema, as provider-specific schemas are not
' listed in ADO's type library for schema rowsets
Set rs = cn.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific, _
, &quot;{947bb102-5d43-11d1-bdbf-00c04fb92675}&quot;)

msg$ = &quot; The Access DB will shutdown for maintenance in exactly 2 _ &quot;
&quot; minutes. Please X-out now.&quot;

While Not rs.EOF
sComputerName = rs.Fields(0)
EndPos = InStr(1, sComputerName, &quot; &quot;, 0)
sEdComputerName = Left(sComputerName, (EndPos - 2)) ' do this
' because name is followed by a non-ascii character
Shellstr = &quot;net send &quot; & sEdComputerName & &quot; &quot; & msg$
retval = Shell(Shellstr, vbHide) ' DOS Window (cmd prompt) is
' hidden and focus is passed to it


End Sub

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