Keep in mind, however, that if you use strpos(), you have to invoke the function multiple times, once for each character that constitutes whitespace: space, tab, newline, return, formfeed.
What kind of overhead do you refer to? I see no mention of overhead in the PHP documentation. The only thing I see refered to in connection with strpos() is strstr() which is more memory intensive.
Please share your knowledge.
I havn't done any benchmarking to compare strpos() and preg_match() myself. And I don't know exactly how the (quite sofisticated) matching machinery is coded.
But, simply speaking, because preg_match() is made to handle such a variety of patterns (see
you may realize that it will in most cases take more CPU-power compared to, i.e., a function like strpos(). The only thing strpos($haystack, $needle) do is finding the first occurance of $needle in $haystack so it is actually designed for that particular task so it should be faster. Moreover, I think it's mentioned somewhere in the manual (not sure can't find it) and that what I learnd myself from other programmers.
With overhead I just meant "machinery" to handle the regular expression patterns. Sorry if I was a bit unclear.
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