to change crystl report DB at run-time use
use the following method
Report.Database.LogOnServer "P2SODBC.DLL.dll", <Your Server Name>, <Your Databas Name>, <UserID>, <Password>
the method works with ODBC i know there is a bug in crystal report when u want to do with OLE DB...guessed crystal reports also have bugs
use this
'Database Setting For Main Report
For intTables = 1 To ReportObject.Database.Tables.Count
ReportObject.Database.Tables(intTables).Location = ReportDatabaseName & ".dbo.Proc(stp_ORD_GetOrderItemsByOrderID;1)"
ReportObject.Database.Tables(intTables).SetLogOnInfo ReportServerName, ReportDatabaseName, UserName, Password
Next intTables
If you are using the activex control then you can set the
crystalreport1.datafiles(x)= DB path
x is a base 0 value and use as many datafile statements as there are database tables
ActiveX control OCX in CR 8.5
there is an error when i do packaging of project.
the deployment and package wizard program terminated.
What is the problem?
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