MODIFY WINDOW SCREEN is supported in FoxPro for Windows only
MODIFY WINDOW changes the attributes of an existing user-defined window or the main FoxPro window. User-defined windows are created with DEFINE WINDOW. MODIFY WINDOW can't be used to change the attributes of FoxPro system windows (the Command window, Browse windows, the Filer, and so on).
Use MODIFY WINDOW to change the location, default font, title, border, controls, icon, wallpaper and color of a user-defined window or the main FoxPro window. Any of these attributes can be changed by including the clauses listed above. Note that if you change colors, you must issue CLEAR to apply the color changes.
For example, include the TO and FROM or AT and SIZE clauses to specify a new location or size for a user-defined window or the main FoxPro window. To prevent a user-defined window or the main FoxPro window from being moved, include the NOFLOAT key word.
You can modify the attributes of the main FoxPro window by including SCREEN instead of a window name. Do not abbreviate the keyword SCREEN when using MODIFY WINDOW to change the attributes of the main FoxPro windowa "Window not defined" error message is generated. To return the main FoxPro window to its startup configuration, issue the following command without any additional clauses:
Tip Issuing MODIFY WINDOW SCREEN NOCLOSE is an excellent way to prevent yourself from accidentally terminating FoxPro for Windows prematurely.
example program
*/Program : SetWall
*/System : Library
*/Purpose : Change the Wall Paper of A Window
*/Syntax : =setwall(type)
*/Returns : nothing
*/Parameter : type - logical - temp or default
*/Defaults : none
*/Requires :
*/Changes :
*/Calls :
*/Version : 1.0
*/Dated : 06/23/1993
*/Written By: David W. Grewe
*& type of prg :
*/ Record Of Change
parameter pltype
lcSetWall = " "
if DbfOpen("NETWORK" , "NETWORK" , "USER_ID" , ucNetName)
if pltype
lcSetWall = alltrim(NETWORK.WALLPAPER)
set default to (fcSysDir+"WALPAPER"
lcSetWall = getfile("BMP"
replace NETWORK.WALLPAPER with lcSetWall + " "
set default to (fcTempDir)
do case
case !file(lcSetWall)
case !empty(lcSetWall)
modi window SCREEN fill file (lcSetWall)
modi window DBFSHOW fill file (lcSetWall)
return lcSetWall
David W. Grewe
ICQ VFP ActiveList #46145644
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