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how do i change ESS restriction on Magic Legend?

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Nov 7, 2007
I've got a user who is unable to make calls outside the company. In reviewing that extension with another, the only difference i see is the ESS Restrictions for this user is set to ESS-1 - RESTRICTIONS while other are set to ESS-0 NO RESTRICTIONS.

I can't find where to change this setting in Win SPM. Can anyone advise please?

THanks in advance for your help.

Are setup in Hotel/Motel mode? If you are then you just have change the Extension Status from the console. I am not sure you can dial a code from the phone but you should be able to. lg

You ought to go ahead and post the release and version you are running. Display set, off hook on intercom/SA, dial *05. I believe the codes changed somewhere around Magix R2 so it would help to know this. lg
Thanks for the tip. I am on R7 v14.2 and running in Hybrid/PBX mode. We are setup in hotel mode and i had someone try to enter the code you gave but it didn't work. (i am not at the same site as where the problem extension is)

Maybe the code is different for R7?
is there a way for me to change this within WINSPM for that extension?
In R7 the code is #*44 and can be done from the set. The *05 I mentioned earlier was to tell you the software release of the system. The #*44 will status the set to ESS0 and should allow outbound. If it is a MLX set you may have use the Feature button...meaning Feature*44. lg
We tried doing feature *44 (from the MLX-10D set) as well as i tried to have the operator console try doing *760 for that extension and still no go. I'm having the operator try the instructions as listed below but she said that when she tries to put her console into Supervisor mode (pressing Feature 32 then press hold button)... nothing happens.

we're missing something i think.


What to do: Check the Extension Status of the extension by
observing its lights on the operator’s DLC. To do this,
change the console from a normal operator position to a
calling supervisor’s console by pressing the Feature button
and dialing 32, then touching the Hold button. Check either
the red light next to the extension’s DSS button or the green
light next to the Auto Dial button programmed for the
• If the light is flashing or on, the extension is restricted
from making outside calls. To change the Extension
Status to 0 and remove restrictions, press the Feature
button and dial 760; then press the DSS button for the
Change the console back to normal operator status by
pressing the Feature button and dialing 32 and then
pressing the Drop button. Try again to make an outside
call. If you can, you have solved the problem. If you
cannot, go to Possible Cause 9.
Okay...are the sets in question in a calling group? The sets will have to be members of the same calling group for this to work. In later releases you could be in more than one group but in the R7 that is not the case. Check to see if the calling group exist. lg
First, listen to NotThatTechie , then figure out if your extension is in a calling group.

If it is, that's bad news.

Here's why; since you are in HOTEL MODE, you really can not have any calling groups, other than Voice Mail.

You can have it either one way or the other, HOTEL/MOTEL Mode or CALLING GROUP Mode,BUT NOT BOTH.

I did listen to him. In his first statement he said he had an extension that could not call outside of the company. Doesn't sound like a Hotel. I was trying to clarify as to the WHY????? he had one extension in his company that could not call out due to ESS1. It sounds like someone programmed this for him....in motel mode OR somehow it got changed to this mode. If he had call groups before this change then there could be other issues or possiblities. I then proceeded to clarify his software release to see if he had additional codes to contend with which he doesn't since he is Legend R7.

NotThatTechie Since you are in Hotel mode only the console can change this set back to ESS0 and it has to be a DLC console not a QCC. Any set in the system can change to the restricted status ESS1 or ESS2, but it can only be set back to ESS0 with the console. IF the console cannot change the ESS setting on the extension then...
Go to: Menu, SysProgram, Exit(Start), Extensions, More,
Ext Status, and be sure your operator extension is set as the ES operator. Then retry the Feature 32 Hold, Feature 760 and press the extension DSS that is setting there blinking at you. Once the light is off then the restriction will be off. Remember this also IF you are not in a Hotel why are you set this way?? IF any station in the system dials Feature 44 or Feature 45 they will restrict themselves as well. So once you get this procedure down hang onto it.

MerlinMan I am surprised you wanted to comment on me listening to NotThatTechie when IF you had read the first part of this thread you could offered some positive input to assist with fixing the problem....I don't know why this system is setup the way it is but nothing would surprise me. lg

Well, I have to ask this question, where did this come from:

What to do: Check the Extension Status of the extension by observing its lights on the operator’s DLC. To do this,.......

I suppose I got confused 'cause it looked like NOTTHAT was providing an answer, but now I see they are the original posting person.

But, like I said, you can either have CALLING GROUPS or HOTEL/MOTEL.

So, NOTTHAT, what is going on with your system?

Hello all,
Thank you for your help. The instructions i had posted in my last message were from a user guide i found online. Turns out that the operator console was not included in the ES Operator group so she wasn't able to go into supervisor mode to use these instructions effectively. Since then, we have fixed the problem.

I am not sure why this switch is in hotel mode, since the four others we have setup are not. My guess is the vendor i had setup this switch did it differently somehow. If i change this mode, does it 'break' anything else? this might be a difficult question to answer I guess since you don't know my system.

Thank you for your help with this. I appreciate it.

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