Hello! I am working on a database that keeps track of the issue and return of tools. I currently have an issue table and a return table (as well as some other tables...). We (the user and I) want to make the return segment of the process a no-brainer for the user. <br><br>The user enters return information on a form (part id, return date, quantity returned). A query is then submitted that finds the outstanding issues for the indicated tool (there will usually be more than one issue). Right now the information from the query is displayed on a subform.<br><br>I need to take the information from the form (quantity returned, date returned) and the results of the query and use this information to add records to the return table. <br><br>The new query will have to go first to the oldest record with outstanding issues and copy the issue id. The return date will come from the form. The quantity entered on the form will be compared to the quantity issued. If the quantity entered on the form is less than or equal to the quantity issued then the quantity returned will equal the quantity entered on the form, and the process will stop there (i.e, one record will be added to the return table).<br><br> If the quantity entered on the form is greater than the quantity issued then the quantity returned will equal the quantity issued. The quantity returned from the first issue will have to be subtracted from the quantity entered on the form. The result of this calculation equals the quantity remaining (that needs to be returned).<br><br>The query will then go to the second oldest record and proceed as above. This process will continue until the quantity remaining equals zero.<br> <br>Any ideas on what path I might take? Thanks. <br><br>