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Technical User
Mar 26, 2003
He dropped out of college and has been arrested. Check this link out to see his mugshot...

I would suggest that you follow in his footsteps.

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Bill Gates was born at the right time in history. The introduction of the microcomputer the naked mini, northstar etc. He grew up in the so called freedom years of the hippies etc and thus bucked the system - he was at the right place at the right time as far as IBM was concerned.
If he grew up in another time I doubt that he would even be known.

The computer world is nothing like it was in those days every thing was new and ideas were king. I have used all gate's products from his first upwards. They deliver what is wanted nothing more notheing less - however nowadays speed is important - speed of getting the product out to the market where as in gates early days bug free was important

"bug free was important" --> you do realize you are talking about M$ right now?

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This is pretty easy to figure out actually. Its luck and skill both. Think of all the skilled and intelligent people in the world. Even those who are quite driven. They cant all be the richest person. It took certain circumstances that happened in just the right way for Bill Gates to be a zillionaire. There really are no self-made millionaires. They needed something to happen in their lives that wasnt completely in their control for them to be where they are. And any millionaire/billionaire who tells you otherwise is full of themself and quite beyond reason. It wouldnt take long to find out a moment or two in their lives where, if it had happened differently, they wouldnt have 'made it' to where they are. :) What if Xerox or Apple had said 'no'? Just that simple.
Well, Apple and Zerox said yes because Bill told them he was going to help them out. In all actually, he stole everything they had, made modifications to it, and sold it. Since then though, he has been on the forefront of development. Where would we be as programmers if not for Microsoft. Most of us use Microsoft products to develop our applications.

I think Bill is a credit to the human race, and a pioneer in the computer industry. If it were not for Bill, where would we be? Rob
Just my $.02.
"Most of us use Microsoft products to develop our applications" --> Most of who? The best programmers that I've seen use Unix/Linux.

"If it were not for Bill, where would we be?" --> We would be using better and more reliable products. Everyone would have a realistic choice of which desktop OS to use. It would be a very competitive market, and that means cheaper and higher quality products. In my opinion, and a lot of others, Linux is much better than M$ on the desktop. The problem is that everything is developed for Windoze, so we have no choice sometimes but to use the crappy M$ products (to play games, for example). This is hindering the development of Linux and a lot of other quality products.

Bill Gates got where he is the same way Al Capone did. If you believe otherwise, take the time and effort to read the Department of Justice findings at:
If BG hadnt done it someone else would have so I dont think without him we would have a Utopia of Perfectly running OS's
Exactly. The reason Larry Ellison and Scott McNealy are such dickheads with their comments about Microsoft isn't much because they're outraged on behalf of the users of MS products. It's mostly envy because they each wish they had the monopoly instead of Gates.

(In the interest of fairness, I will admit I gained a little more respect for Ellison after reading his recent Playboy interview.)
No matter how bad it is, it can always get worse ....
I completely disagree. Most people wouldn't run the business like Gates did, and BG's aren't a dime a dozen where if he didn't come along there would be another. As much as I hate BG, he is obviously an extremely smart business man and he can not be easily replaced. If Gates didn't come along, things would be a lot different, for better or worse, I don't know. I would guess for better.

I'm not saying Bill's not a genius. Maybe if he hadn't come along at the right time the current monoploy wouldn't exist. What I am saying is that there are plenty of business types who would have tried to create the same type of monopoly.
No matter how bad it is, it can always get worse ....
Without Bill there may have been more competition, maybe more options for consumers but some people seem to think that if is wasnt for microsoft, OS's and Apps would never crash and do whatever they wanted which is a bit far fetched........
somepeople seem to think that without bill that there wouldn't be a computer industry or any apps...
bill is stil a thief that stole others ideas and products, yet crys like a baby when he even thinks someone else might think of taking something of his! it's called greed plain and simple. he wants everything

It seems we have confused Bill Gates with Microsoft. Yes, at the start they were one in the same, since he started it all with Windows... although who can figure out why it was able to continue after Windows 1, which was so bad people begged to get their Apples back.

Bill Gates, is a husband, father, friend, humanitarian, and excelent businessman.

Microsoft's technology is weak, but it is a strong company that is able to control its market and the markets of others.

I am not saying Microsoft is good or bad. Their monoplisitic ideas have causes a hole in what could have been a competitive market, but on the other hand by almost standardizing the world's desktop envirment they have provided one single platform for software makers to learn and design for.

If we had a world where there were Linux, Windows, Apples, XYZ, OS2, and who knows what else on every corner then it would cost software makers a fortune to sell a million games as they would have to design for 5,10, or even 15 diffrent operating systems.

Perhaps the world wants fredom of choice in their OS, but they also want low prices in their games (not that we really have that now :) but imagine the cost if you had to help supliment the poorer selling OS based games.

Microsoft and their operating system may die one day but that may lead to the standardization on another OS... perhaps better or worse... who knows.

But, you asked how Bill got to where he is today, well, with a little bit of work (maybe hard, maybe not), some luck, a little theft (but who hasn't "stolen" some code and used it someplace else?), and some "good" (good for him) business practices.

Michael Jordan monopolized the basketball court but we call him a super star... Bill Gates monopolized an industy and we call him all kinds of things...


But, my advice (everyone always has advice) is to find your own path. There are a lot of people with a lot of money and they all found it their own way. Don't read their books, don't study them... find your own way, it all starts with the drive and perhaps an idea. CJ
- If chickens could fly would they egg ugly people?
There is actually an entertaining film about this subject. Most of us have probably already watched it. It's called, "Pirates of Silicon Valley" and was produced by the TNT network a couple of years ago. You can still find it on tape at CDNOW.com

Regardless of how you feel about Bill Gates, I think that everyone agrees that his products have a LONG way to go before they exceed our expectations...
Gates' only "luck" was to be talented in a field that was the future. His real genius is in surrounding himself with people that are also very talented in their fields (i.e.- finance, marketing, business law, etc.) and not wanting to do it all on his own. Humility is how he got where he is.
Have you ever read the previous thread?. All the statements here have been posted and answered and discussed there... with one conclusion, Bill Gates is not a good person.
check it.

thread676-89603 Pedro Andrés Solorzano
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Bogotá, Colombia, SurAmérica.
Without Gates, it is doubtful that there would be an Internet community that would be discussing a topic like this now. The PC with the IBM - WINTEL history is the single most powerful combination of forces in getting the computer into homes and businesses around the world in the last 15 years of the 20th century. Largely through excellent marketing of products that barely worked at release, but were somewhat fixed in time.

It will prove to be the major cause of growth in Asian Nations over the next few years. Gates is not evil, merely successful. Any other analysis points to envy.

PS, I hate Microsoft software. It causes me headaches every day, and has probably given me a living. I long to be a beachcomber!
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