It has brochures and links to articles about CRM. Some of them are Sales brochures, however Some of them are reprinted news articles, Some have actual teradata customer stories about how they are using teradata and teradata warehouse miner (teraminer) product.
You can also search by Industry if you have a particular one in mind.
For example under
you will find stuff like.
Chains Credit Data Warehousing for Better Service, Employee Management
It depends on what exactly you mean by "Customer Relations Management". This phrase has become quite popular among the consultants, but I don't know that it has a single, widely-accepted meaning. I would guess that things like customer retention fall under this heading, in which case the answer is: data mining has been used in important ways to assist these efforts.
If you could be more specific about what you mean when you write "Customer Relations Management", I could answer more specifically.
Analytical CRM is looking at customer data for nuggets of importance - this list here can be vast. Generally they are the standard one - what cross-selling abilities? Risk Analysis.
What out for the distinction between OLAP and Data Mining - a lot of vendors mix this up when they give Data Mining examples in their White Paper.
Now there are vendors, that will link in these data models to other parts of the business - supply chain, internal processes. This is a tricky area and is generally for larger companies that can stomach the long cycle before an ROI is visible. This is also a close-loop implementation process that is pretty expensive.
If you want to know what CRM is - that requires another answer. All vendors have a different criteria. But generally to keep in ming, that the definition is a philosophical one and not a technical one. So the pundits can have a field day!!
has a large list of Whitepapers. The problem is that there is a ton of marketing hype incorporated in the literature. Once this fluff is filtered out there are some good info - takes a bit of work though.
Hope this helps. This is a subject I am interested in and would love to discuss further. My former employer was burnt with a bad CRM implementation - Shudder!!
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