I am opening an Access Database and using recordsets, I am adding html tags to the data so as to be able to create an HTML table page. After I write the strings to the textfile, I'd like to be able to replace the (")quote marks with nothing. For example, this is what is going on.<br>
Open "N:\directory\testfile.txt" for output as # 1<br>
Write #1, "<html>"<br>
Write #1, "<body>"<br>
'start table in HTML<br>
Write #1, "<table border=1>"<br>
'print the header to testfile and read ColumnLabel Count<br>
Write #1, "<th colspan =" & rstColumnLabels.RecordCount & ">" & "<font size=20>" & "<center>" & rstHeading.Fields("Heading") & "</center>" & "</font>" & "</th>"<br>
Close #1<br>
ANy suggestions? (p.s. I'm using VB6)<br>
Open "N:\directory\testfile.txt" for output as # 1<br>
Write #1, "<html>"<br>
Write #1, "<body>"<br>
'start table in HTML<br>
Write #1, "<table border=1>"<br>
'print the header to testfile and read ColumnLabel Count<br>
Write #1, "<th colspan =" & rstColumnLabels.RecordCount & ">" & "<font size=20>" & "<center>" & rstHeading.Fields("Heading") & "</center>" & "</font>" & "</th>"<br>
Close #1<br>
ANy suggestions? (p.s. I'm using VB6)<br>