Aug 8, 2001 #1 jleung Programmer Jul 30, 2001 5 US I want to test what would happen to my program when all of my memory has ran out, how could I do so? thanks,
I want to test what would happen to my program when all of my memory has ran out, how could I do so? thanks,
Aug 8, 2001 1 #2 Cagliostro Programmer Sep 13, 2000 4,226 GB do while(1) { _asm pusha } or double* x() { return new double[100]; } int main() { while(1) { x(); } return 0; } John Fill Upvote 0 Downvote
do while(1) { _asm pusha } or double* x() { return new double[100]; } int main() { while(1) { x(); } return 0; } John Fill
Aug 8, 2001 Thread starter #3 jleung Programmer Jul 30, 2001 5 US Is there anyway I could do it with malloc? Upvote 0 Downvote
Aug 8, 2001 #4 Cagliostro Programmer Sep 13, 2000 4,226 GB while(1) { malloc(100); } John Fill Upvote 0 Downvote