hi all, <br><br>here's what i want to do.. i want to simulate a typing motion, <br><br>ie; w-e-l-c-o-m-e---u-s-e-r<br><br>-- now each of the '-' stands for .25 of a second break, do you see what i am trying to say? -- looks like it's being typed in. kinda
<br><br>i am currently thinking along the lines of:<br><br><br><br> -=-=-=-=-=-=-<br>#!/usr/bin/perl <br>print "Content-type: text/html";<br>print "<HTML>\n\t<BODY>\n\n";<br><br> -=-=-=-=-=-=-<br><br>-- now i need a way of splitting $username into letters<br>-- anyone know the answer to that too?
) call it $SPLITTINGPROCEDURE<br><br>-- so we got<br><br><br> -=-=-=-=-=-=-<br>#!/usr/bin/perl <br>print "Content-type: text/html";<br>print "<HTML>\n\t<BODY>\n\n";<br>@letters = $SPLITTINGPROCEDURE<br>foreach $letter (@letters)<br>{<br> print $letter<br> $WAITFORAPERIOD OF TIME<br>}<br>print <<EndPrint<br><br>to your new thingywhatever, how are you today?<br><input type="text" name="usersanswer" size="100"><br></BODY><br></HTML><br><br> -=-=-=-=-=-=-<br>so i need a way of splitting up a word into letters, and a way of sectioning out the output by around .25 of a second... <br><br>Thasnks in advance for any help!!<br><br>-- Karl! <p>Karl Butterworth<br><a href=mailto:karl_butterworth@ordina.co.uk>karl_butterworth@ordina.co.uk</a><br><a href= > </a><br><i>I'm slim shadey, yes i'm the real shadey, all you other slim shadeys are just imitating; so wont the real slim shadey please stand up, please stand up, please stand up!</i>